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Ultimate Maid

While working a part-time job as a maid, Kirumi is able to carry out any job, and has created a reputation for doing perfect work. In several occasions, she could sense her friends thoughts and offered them personal services such as bringing food to Mikan's room, suggesting new dance ideas to Hiyoko, and helping Korekiyo to record his observations. She is also talented at various sports. She takes care of cooking and cleaning for the other members. She once stated that even though she can't perform surgeries, she has a medical experience and she can use the medical supplies in the warehouse.

Once mentioned that the last person she served before joining the gang was an author of light novels who was able to publish a novel per month after taking Kirumi's advice on writing quickly. Before him, Kirumi served a politician as a maid and his mahjong's mentor who managed to become the Prime Minister in a country with a peculiar system to decide everything using mahjong.

One of the biggest case she had ever experienced was when she served an owner of a conglomerate who got his daughter was kidnapped by criminals. Using his daughter, the criminal organization asked for a ransom equaling the state budget. Wishing to avoid giving money to the criminals, Kirumi set foot to the criminals' main base herself and was able to neutralize the enemy forces one by one. Eventually, Kirumi persuaded the criminal to start a business who later accepted her proposal and together with the Ultimate Maid he is now maintaining a butler industry.

Being a very talented maid, Kirumi doesn't want to be called as a perfect maid machine as she claimed that she is also an inexperienced high schooler. She also mentioned that there was a time where she was unable support people without potentials. She worked as a businessman's faithful maid and accompany him to his success, to the point he got the nickname of the "Hero of our Era". However, his dependency on Kirumi proved to be his weakness as he couldn't do anything by himself without her on his side. Her principles of Selfless Devotion stems from this experience. Her other weakness is the fact that she can't cut konjac.

Ultimate Cosplayer

Despite her status as the Ultimate Cosplayer, Tsumugi actually doesn't have interest in cosplaying herself. Rather, she states that she enjoys recreating costumes more. She loves to create costumes because it is like making a fictional character real, in a way. She also has a sponsorship that makes her can create costumes with expensive materials.

She is also a well-versed otaku in anime and manga references. In her promotional artwork, Tsumugi is featured with mannequins wearing lingerie and a wig, several paints and cosmetic brushes, as well as red thread and an object which could be interpreted as scissors. This could imply that her talent is multi-faceted.

Tsumugi once stated that she gets "Cospox" an allergic reaction where a bumpy rash spreads across her entire body if she cosplays as anyone that is real. She is capable of matching their appearances, voices, and mannerisms perfectly, making her imitations even more accurate.

Ultimate Nurse

Because there was no one to take care of her wounds, Mikan learned to take care of herself from a very young age. As she became more and more skilled in this area, she took an interest in nursing, realizing that it gave her a feeling of control over sick and injured people - as weaker people would have to depend on her completely, and their lives would be in her hands. Her skills in this field eventually continued to grow and she seemed to have developed almost all the necessary skills and abilities required of a nurse such as being able to give first-aid, creating various medicine/drugs, being capable of performing surgery, critical analysis of her patients condition in a moments notice and adaptability in dealing with medical emergencies.

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