Chapter 1

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I pack my duffel bag. Getting ready to go camping for a two weeks at the lake with my family. We have a decent size log cabin that we share with another family, but I don’t like to sleep in the cabin because I don’t think it’s true camping. My mother gave me a tent that we keep there so when we do go camping I sleep in the tent alone. I have two siblings. Victoria is the oldest she is eighteen, brown hair and blue eyes. Then I have my younger brother William. He is fifteen, and has blonde hair and green eyes. Then there’s me. I am sixteen year old and I have strawberry blonde hair and green eyes. Tori (Victoria) and Will (William) are my half siblings. They have the same father while I have a different father. My mother got married to there father had Tori then divorced then my mom met my father had me, got divorced then go back together with Tori’s dad and had William. My mom and Drake, my stepfather, are still together. I don’t really see my dad but I don’t care he’s a douche bag. Drake’s the one who planned this trip. I don’t mind camping it’s just I don’t like socializing that much. I continue to pack my bag with shorts, pants, shirts, pajamas, undergarments, toothbrush, hairbrush, bikini swimming suit, and other necessities. Also books, I cannot live with out books or music. My mom said we couldn’t have any sort of electrical device with us. Luckily I can play guitar. I finish packing and zip up my duffel bag. I grab my guitar off the stand; it’s a plain wooden acoustic guitar I got for my sixteenth birthday. I set my guitar in its case and locked it shut. I grabbed my duffel bag slung it over my shoulder and grabbed my guitar case. I looked around my room one last time before we left. My room was big enough for me. I had a single queen sized bed, a desk with my laptop sitting on top of it, a chair, a bookcase filled with books and a window looking at the mountains in the distance. My room was a light green color with white carpets. I sighed and walked out of my room. I walked downstairs where my family was waiting. They had bags sitting at their feet. I saw Will holding his pillow ready to go.

“Wait! I need my pillow. Be right back!” I say setting down my stuff. “Go ahead I’ll only be a minuet.” They nod and start picking up there stuff.  I ran up the stairs, two at a time to get my pillows. I ran into my room and grabbed my two pillows that I need to sleep with. I ran out my room, closing the door behind me, and down the stairs. I grabbed my bag and guitar and rushed out the door. I stacked my stuff carefully into the truck of my mothers SUV and closed the trunk. Drake locked up the house and got in the drivers seat. I got in the back, Will in the middle, Tori on one side and me on the other. I closed the door and buckled up. Once everyone was ready Drake started the car and we were off. Since I didn’t have my phone or any books to read I stared out the window watching my neighborhood disappear with each second. I sighed looking at someone playing catch with their dogs and laughing around, being a family. I smiled at the thought. Maybe one day I will have a family like that. Maybe one day.

Just A Song //Thomas Brodie Sangster//Where stories live. Discover now