Chapter 28

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Rose stared at the man standing before her. She examined him carefully. His eyes were exactly the same shade of blue as Victor's. His hair fell onto his shoulders just like Victor's, the only difference being the color. His was a light brown. Though she could see some similarities, the man before her was definitely not Victor.

"Who the hell are you?" she growled.

"Now, now. That's no way to greet someone. Where are your manners?" he smirked.

She could feel her blood starting to boil. "Who gives a shit about manners? Who are you and what sick game are you playing here?"

He rolled his eyes. "If you must know, I'm Alastor." He looked her up and down disapprovingly. "Senelé always did say you were no fun."

"Senelé... Your grandmother?"

That's when she spotted the birthmark on his neck. A perfect replica of claw marks.

Her eyes grew wide. No. It couldn't be. "Jane?" she whispered.

The shock was evident on her face and she could tell he was loving every second of it.

"How? Why?" she demanded, not understanding what was going on.

He smirked, reveling in her confusion. "Let me tell you a story, let me know if it sounds familiar. It all started many years ago with an alpha and a woman could not help but fall in love with him. He was a great man. Strong and honorable. Respected by all. She worshiped the ground he walked on. She did anything he asked of her. She was prepared to lay down her life, if that was what he required. They were happy together. Until one day. He decided to bring home some stray puppy. She wasn't even a pure blood. No, she was just some girl he had bitten for fun who happened to survive."

Rose felt a pang to her stomach. So everything had been a lie? She had only been a toy that happened not to break as quickly as he had intended.

Alastor continued. "Things changed then. The woman watched helplessly as her alpha became almost obsessed with his new plaything. He paraded her around for his friends. Took her to parties. He even made her the pack's Luna. People seemed to love and trust her and he used this to get his way in any way he could. No one could touch her out of fear of what he would do to them. He had almost no more time for the woman who had once always been at his side. The rightful Luna. The mongrel played her part well, convincing everyone that she was a kind, caring woman. This, while she stole the alpha from another, someone more deserving!" With this he snarled, his playful expression of earlier making way for a dark look.

He pointed his finger at her. "You took him away from my Senelé! You stole him away!" with this his canines grew.

A sinister smile crept up his face. "Little did you know that you weren't his world as you so gullibly believed. Whenever he grew tired of you, he would go back to her. Soon she found out she was pregnant. She was so excited. At last he would have to acknowledge her as his mate, his rightful Luna. But then you came and ruined everything, yet again. You killed him! Before my grandmother could even tell him. You threw him off that cliff, trying to ruin my grandmother's happiness yet again!"

Rose could only stare at the man before her. She had no words. But he apparently he still had some left.

"Your little stunt forced Senelé to raise my father alone. She was a broken woman who had lost the will to live. With no father and an absent mother, my father turned out a pathetic excuse of a man. Drank himself to death before I was even five. My grandmother took me in. She didn't talk much about anything. But she did tell me about my grandfather. I wanted to be as great a man as he was. I worked tirelessly to be like him. To be at the top of all my classes, to be stronger than any lycan I crossed paths with. A force to be reckoned with. And then..." he stopped to laugh.

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