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Dixie POV

That night I slept alone I waiting for addi to come but she never did I was alittle sad and missed her.but I was still mad to so I tried to shake it off her loss right?

"I hate you so much just leave me alone okay Dixie."

"Addi don't you get it I'm in love with you I can't just stop I don't know what to do.i don't understand why you want him or why you slept with him but I-I can't loose you"

"You wanna know why I slept with him?omay I slept with him because I don't love you I never will so leave me alone about it"

All of a sudden I shot up from my sleep thank god it was a dream.i know it was just a dream but it still made me sad to think that could happen not that addi would.but sometimes I wonder why me what does she see in me that's so special.

I looked at my phone to check the time 2:00am.i rubbed my eyes getting up to get a glass of water.i walked down stairs as quiet as possible and got a glass of water but as I was about to walk back up stairs I heard talking in the living room.

"Avani,your just drunk you need to go to sleep"

"Nooo I just need to talk to Charlie please"she was slurring her words.

"It's 2 in the morning Charlie is alseep just go to sleep"

" Anthony,I really need to tell her that I-"I stoped listening Considering it was nun of my business so I went back up stairs to my room.when I walked back in I sat my water down I got on my phone to see a text from Taylor.

Taylor👎🏻:I'm going to a party tomorrow night just me and nick and tony was wondering if you wanted to come?

Dixie:sounds good why is everyone not coming?

Taylor👎🏻:Charlie is to young avani has plans and addi is not going to know about it because she hates party's and def would not want us to go...

Dixie:ohh ok I guess I'll go what time we leaving tomorrow night?

Taylor👎🏻:around 7 wont be coming back till way later thou hope you can handle alcohol and drugs😉

Dixie:alcohol I can handle idk about drugs cause I have never done them before...

Taylor👎🏻:well that might change depend on how much you party🎈

Dixie:I party pretty hard hope u can handle that 😂

Talor👎🏻:guess will find out,goodnight dix


I sat my phone down and went back to sleep alone.

Just alittle bit of a filler to set up for next chapter

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