Batgirl Leaves

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"I'm not a demon," Robin says.

"A demon isn't always an evil being, it can also be someone who wants to do something bad like a villain," Raven says.

"I am just trying to protect myself and my friends," Robin says.

"By poisoning your enemies?" Batgirl says.

"Rob, there has to be another way," Kid Flash says.

The computer goes off.

"What's up Little Robin," Robin answers the computer.

"Zucco has been kidnapped," Little Robin says, "by this guy," Little Robin brings up a picture of Slade.

"Slade double crossed him," Raven says.

"Good," Robin says.

"How is that good?" Raven asks.

"Slade can do much more to him than I can," Robin says.

"It's true, Slade can do much more than you can, but is that what you really want?" Raven says before leaving.

Jinx runs after Raven.

"Dude, this isn't like you," Kid Flash says.

"It is now," Robin says.

"Slade came and took Raven," Jinx says running into the room.

"She can take care of herself," Robin says.

"Slade knocked her out," Jinx responds.

"She'll wake up," Robin says.

"Wow, you really have become a demon," Jinx says before leaving the room to save Raven.

"Where is she going? I'm in charge, nobody leaves unless I say so," Robin yells.

"She went to do what you aren't going to," Batgirl says.

"I'm trying to defeat two people who want me dead," Robin says.

"Robin, what have you always told me?" Little Robin says.

"Always keep your enemies close," Robin says.

"OK let me do this a different way," Little Robin says.

"I won't stop until he is gone," Robin says.

"Remember when you were fighting Trigon?"

"Why are you bringing him into this?"

"What did Raven say about you guys?"

"That we raised her," Robin says.

"After that," Little Robin says.

"That we are her family," Robin says.

"And what have you and Dad said to me about family and good people?"

"Their safety comes first," Robin says.

"Then think about what you just did," Batgirl says.


"Dude, you just got mad when Jinx went to save our friend, or did you forget that?" Kid Flash says before running out of the cave.

"I have always looked up to you, but I don't know anymore," Little Robin says.

An engine roars behind Little Robin.

"Dad is home, I will talk to you guys later," Little Robin ends the call.

"If this is who you are going to be maybe I was wrong to come here, I'm going back to Gotham," Batgirl says before leaving.

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