Saving Starfire

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"I had Jinx deal with Slade so you and Batgirl can deal with Zucco, Kid Flash and I will deal with the brothers," Raven says.

Robin nods and the two join the fight.

Robin does a flip and lands next to Batgirl.

"Nice to see you back," Batgirl says.

"Nice to be back, now let's deal with Zucco," Robin says.

"Two teenagers, against me, no problem," Zucco says as he takes a gun out.

"Raven!" Robin yells.

Raven turns and changes her focus from the Juggler to the weapon being pointed at Robin and Batgirl.

Raven focuses her power on the gun and out of the corner of her eye sees the Juggler try to find something else to use now that Raven destroyed the bowling pins.

While releasing magic and grabbing the gun with her left hand Raven uses her magic and captures the Juggler with the right hand.

"Boss, little help," the Juggler says.

As Zucco reaches for the gun Raven makes a fist and crushes the gun so it can't be repaired.

"Time to admit defeat Zucco," Batgirl says.

"Never," Zucco says lunging at Robin.

Robin takes his staff and blocks Zucco.

"Batgirl, get the green spheres out of my bag and 6 masks," Robin says jerking his head toward the door as he counters every attack Zucco throws at him.

"Got it," Batgirl says.

"Kid Flash leave the Tamer to Raven and go get those masks," Robin yells.

Kid Flash zooms over to Batgirl.

"What are these masks for?" Kid Flash asks Batgirl.

"Robin must have concocted something," Batgirl says taking out foldable x-ray glasses.

"Nice specs but I don't think fashion is what we need right now," Kid Flash says.

"They are x-ray specs, no way," Batgirl says.


"Robin created fear gas."

"What does that do exactly?"

"If inhaled it makes you live your deepest fear until you become insane," Batgirl says taking the biggest  sphere out of the bag.

"Well, I better pass these out," Kid Flash says giving a mask to Batgirl before zipping to the other titans.

Kid Flash puts his mask on last.

"Batgirl, now," Robin yells.

Batgirl throws the sphere in the air.

"Jinx work your magic," Robin says.

Jinx snaps her fingers popping the sphere.

Slade and the Zucco brothers start coughing.

"No Batman, have mercy," Robin hears Zucco say.

"Let's go," Batgirl says as she starts running towards the door.

Robin looks around for Starfire.

"Go, I will get her," Raven says as she creates an orb of magic around her.

Robin leaves and Raven searches for Starfire.

Raven finds Starfire on the ground where the Strongman was holding her before the fear gas was released.

Raven picks her up and both sink into a portal under her feet.

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