Fast forward (imagine if Z and Lou divorced)

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Louis's POV

Liam giggled. I smiled. I said "Okay bubs go get ready for school." He said "Help?" I said "Course. Bubs." He smiled. I said "Papa is gonna pick you up after school bubs." He looked up at me. I kissed his head. I said "Daddy's baby boy." He giggled.

Nialls pov

I became Liam's teacher. Liam said "NiNi!" I said "Hey bubba. Hey dad." I took Liam into my arms. He said "He's going to papas." I said "Okay." I took Liam's bag. And lunch bag. I placed Liam at his desk.

Liam's POV

I sat alone at lunch. Taller boys came over. I whimpered. I want Nini. They pushed me off the bench. I grabbed my lunch bag ran to Niall's room. He was eating lunch. He said "Baby what's wrong?" He placed me on his lap. He said "Tell me babes." I whispered "People pushed me off the bench." He sighed. He kissed my head. I whispered "Do I really have to go to papas?" He placed me in front of him and bent down. He said "Baby you may not know this put papa is your real father. Your mummy left you on our house step baby." I looked at him confused. He said "You want daddy to explain it to you tomorrow?" I nodded. He kissed my head.


Zayn's POV

Niall brought Liam out. I smiled. I said "Thanks Nialler." He nodded. He said "I'll see you soon okay bubba?" Liam said "Ya NiNi!"  I said "How was school bubs." He whispered "Fine." I said "What's wrong?" He said "Why'd mummy leave me on the steps?" I thought he'd never ask that. I said "I don't know bubs. I wish I knew. But after I found out that you were actually mine. Me and daddy had a fight." He said looking up "Why?" I said "Babes I cheated on daddy. I was drunk. And kept it from him. Until after we found out about you." He nodded. I sent a text to Louis after I got home. With Liam.

Louis's POV

Zayn sent "He asked why his mum left. I couldn't tell him." I replied "Cuddle him. He needs it. I'll be there in the morning to get him. Niall texted me and told me what happened at school." He replied "What happened?" I said "You don't know?" He said "No."


Louis's POV

Liam said "Daddy!" I picked him up. I said "Hi daddy's baby boy." He giggled. I said "Daddy told Nini that you won't be in today. So it's an excused absence." Zayn said "Can you please tell me what happened?!" I said "Go to uncy Hazzy baby. Daddy will be there soon." I said "He was bullied yesterday. He got pushed off the seat at lunch and he ran to Nialler. I'll tell Nialler to have him eat lunch with him for now on. I can't have LiLi getting bullied."

Harry's POV

I said "Bubba!" He giggled. I kissed his head buckling him in. He giggled. I said "Did you have fun with papa?" He nodded. He said "Watched mofies and had pizza!" I smiled. Louis came back. He said "Let's go the the mall bubba." He giggled. We got to the mall. I picked Liam up. I said "Hi bubba." He smiled hiding in my chest. He giggled. I smiled.

Louis's POV

I said "Daddy's shy boy." He nodded. I smiled. Harry handed him over. I said "Even though you aren't mine bubbas I treat you like it." Liam snuggled into me. I kissed his head. After a few hours at the mall. Liam was getting grouchy. I said "You sleepy bubs?" He nodded. He said "Uppy!" I picked him up. He laid his head on my shoulder. I whispered "Hazza go get his stroller." He nodded running to the car. I sat on the bench. Liam snuggled into my chest. I said "Uncy Hazzy is getting your stroller babes." He nodded. Harry came back. I placed Liam in the stroller. I kissed Liam's head as he slept. We got to a shop. Liam started to whimper. I sighed. I said "No ones gonna hurt you baby. They gotta get through daddy first. Well Uncy Hazzy because he's taller." Harry said "Sure let me die before you two." I rolled my eyes. Liam whimpered "Daddy." I bent down. I seen tears in his eyes. I sighed. I said "Let's head home." We got to the car. Liam fell asleep in the car. I kissed his head.

Harry's POV

Liam said "Uncy Hazzy where's daddy?" I said "He's taking a call baby boy." He nodded. He said "Snuggle." I picked up Liam. He giggled. I smiled. I said "You are adorable." He smiled. I said "I love you baby." He said "Wove you more." I smiled. Louis came down. Liam said "Daddy!" Louis smiled. He said "Hey babes." Liam said "Hold." Louis took Liam. I smiled at the boy. I said "He is definitely a daddys boy." Liam snuggled into him. I smiled. Louis said "Z wants to take him for a week but Liam just cries." I sighed. Louis said "Hey baby? Can papa take you for a week?" He whispered "Why?" I said "Daddy has to go somewhere for work baby." He looked up. I whispered "Babes you look so much like your papa." He said "Really?" Louis said "Yeah love. You have his eyes." He smiled lowly.

Louis's POV

I texted Zayn "Hey he agreed for a week only because I gotta leave for work." He replied "Before you leave can we please talk?" I replied "Maybe." I said "LiLi c'mon let's get you ready for papa house." He nodded. I heard a knock. I opened the door. I said "What's up Niall." He said "Just wanted to see LiLi." Liam giggled. I said "He's spending the week at papas. I'll let him know that you'll pick him up for school. Luckily you have your own seat for Li." He nodded. We got a bag packed for Liam. Liam was asleep on the couch. Niall had to leave. I heard a knock. I opened the door. I said "He fell asleep. So what did you wanna talk about. We can't go outside because no one is in here to watch Li."

Zayn's POV

I said "Would you ever give us a second chance?! I mean for LiLi?" He looked over at Liam's sleeping figure and back at me. He said "I have to think about it Z. Right now it's a maybe. I can't give a straight answer." I said "I understand." Liam woke up. I said "Hey little man you ready?" He giggled and nodded. I picked him up. We got out to the car.

Gonna have two parts 🥰.


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