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The lovely art I put up there belongs to Yangch0 on Twitter / IG / Tumblr!
Word count: 435

This was requested by someone from Tumblr! o(^▽^)o

P. S. This is gender neutral! Feel free to insert your pronouns! ^^


✧ How you met her:

⠀When Bea and Max were first released, Bea was in the spotlight. Everyone prefers her more than Max because she was more adorable than Max. Of course, Max was upset about that. She wants to feel loved and welcomed too.

⠀When every person and every other brawlers were greeting Bea, she sat in the corner of the room, staring down at the concrete floor. Tears began to well up in her eyes but she fought the urge to cry, she doesn't want to make a bad first impression to everyone. She doesn't want to be called cry baby.

⠀And that's when you noticed her. When you saw her sad eyes, you felt pity on her. You knew she felt like she was left out so you walked over to her. Offering your hand as you smiled.

⠀"Hey. Nice to meet you,"

⠀This caught her attention. She lifted her head up only for her raven black orbs met your (e/c) ones. Her heartbeat increased, this time without any help from the energy drinks she usually had. And that's when she realized she had fallen for you.

✦ She loves giving you sudden hugs from behind! Sometime, her sudden hugs scare you though...

✧ She loves carrying you around, especially bridal style and piggyback style! At first, it was embarrassing but you'll get used to it ;)

✦ You'll be the one to confess first. Why? Max was scared and nervous to ask you out. She was scared that you will reject her and she thought you deserved someone better than her. Everytime she tried to ask you out, her heartbeat will increase and then, she will faint.

✧ She loves teasing you, kissing anywhere near your lips but your lips.

✦ When she did that, you eventually got pissed off. You pulled her and kissed her on the lips. Her eyes widened, her cheeks were dusted with crimson red, but slowly, she kissed back.

✧ She always told you that she loved you. And when I said always, I mean it.

✦ "(N/n), I love you!" "Max, my love, I love you too. But this is the hundred time you said that to me today and, we're in a mIDDLE OF A GODDAMN MATCH!" "I just want to remind you that I love you... :("

✧ She always acts bolt and brave but actually, she's the shy and bottom one in a relationship.

✦ She was taller than you. And she loves teasing you about that too.

✧ Calls you (N/n), babe, shortie or short stuff.

✦ Conclusion: She is an underrated cutie! Please protect and love her at all cost!! 💖


Hi! Long time no see! I’m sorry I haven’t been updating, I really hope you guys understand. I’m studying harder so I can get into this school my mom really wants me to be into!

If I haven’t done your request, please don’t be mad at me!! I’m trying to be responsible, I’ll try to finish all the requests! Though, from now, I can’t really promise you what’s I’m going to update next. Have a nice day! 💖

Remember to leave a vote, my lovelies!

~ Star🌟

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