Chapter 34 Red

Depuis le début

Chara's POV

*You and Frisk are in the bedroom
"Frisk why's your face red?"I asked
"Why's your face red?"Frisk
*You see Happstablook phase through the door
"HAPPSTABLOOK!"muffled (Y/N) yelled

"Oh Don't Mind Him Darlings.He Would Never Breach In A Girl's Privacy"Happstablook said calmly
*You hear a knock on the door
"Open up or I'll kick it down!"(Y/N) yelled
"Please Don't I Just Need A Moment To Talk!I'll Give You Anything!"Happstablook asked you
"Ok What is it"Chara
"It's That Interv-"Happstablook
<Knock Knock>
*The door swings open and see (Y/N) enter the room
"(Y/N) the door was unlocked!"Frisk said
"Oh my bad.But first let me talk to...Happstablook!My good friend, what brings you here?"(Y/N) said
"Wait I Just Want To Talk"Happstablook replied
"Oh I think you did enough talking"(Y/N) said
"Wait (Y/N) lets hear him out"Frisk said
*(Y/N) looked at you
"...Happstablook is a girl"(Y/N) replied

"Say what?"I said
"Yup"Happstablook replied
"I thought she was a boy!She looks like Napstablook but Pink!"I said
"Yeah I know.But if you want talk let's talk outside"(Y/N) replied
"Wait (Y/N) let's hear her out"Frisk repeated
*He looks at Happstablook
"You live...for now"(Y/N) said
*(Y/N) spared Happstablook

"Thank You Darlings.If I Knew (Y/N) Was So Smitten By You I Wouldn't Have Interrupted"Happstablook said
"Smitten?"Me and Frisk
"It Means-"Happstablook
"It means that I like you"(Y/N) suddenly said
*Me and Frisk had a shocked expression
"Oh My.How Brave of You"Happstablook smiles
"They already knew that.Happstablook if your gonna play then I'm going to end it..K?"(Y/N) said with red eyes glowing
"Yes Of Course.Humans-"Happstablook quickly said
"My name is Frisk and this is Chara"Frisk
"Oh Dear I Can't Believe I Haven't Even Introduce Myself."Happstablook
"First time?"(Y/N) replied
"Yes As You Already Know I'm Happstablook.Future Rising Star of The Underground."
"Nice to meet you"Me and Frisk said
"Alright Now That's Done.Let's Have That Interview.Tell Me Did It Hurt When You Fell?"Happstablook said holding a pen and notepad
"Well (Y/N) was the one who treated our wounds so it didn't hurt that much"Frisk
"Oh!A Good First Impression"Happstablook said as she winks at (Y/N)
"Well a certain someone gave me a "sharp" impression when they woke up"(Y/N) said
(Oh right.I totally forgot)
"I See.Now What Was (Y/N) Like When He Touched You?"Happstablook
*Me and Frisk almost had a heart attack
"Happstablook one more of that and I'm seriously gonna break everything you own.Especially that damn karaoke machine!"(Y/N) warned
"Alright.Your No Fun When Your Flustered"Happstablook said floating around (Y/N)
"Yeah yeah just continue"(Y/N) replied
"Well I Can't.When You Keep Interrupting Me.Now Leave"Happstablook said shooing away (Y/N)
"Because This Is A Interview About The Humans Not You.I Talked To You Later If The Story Has Some Holes In It"Happstablook holding the door
"Chara..Frisk..Do you need me here"(Y/N) looked at you and Frisk
"No were ok"Frisk said looking away
"We'll be fine"I said
"Ok then.Happstablook if they act weird when they see me.This will be the last time we talk"(Y/N)
"Don't Worry I'll Play Nice"Happstablook smiles
*(Y/N) left the room

"How long will this take"I asked
"Just a moment Darling"Happstablook said
*Happstablook floated towards the door.She fazed through the other side
"(Y/N)!Are You Eavesdropping On Us?!"Happstablook said on the other side of the door
*Me and Frisk chuckled
"I Will Not!Now Leave!"Happstablook
"Ok fine"(Y/N) said
*Happstablook came back
"Ok Now That's Over"Happstablook said floating to us

"Alright Tell Me Everything You Like About
(Y/N)!"Happstablook excitedly said
"What?!"Me and Frisk
"Oh Please Darling.I Never Seen (Y/N) Express So Much Worry To Anyone Before.He Even Pretended To Leave.Also The Way He Looks At You Is Different From Me.He Isn't Even Captivated By Me!I Just Can't Understand Him"Happstablook
"But suddenly asking us is a bit too fast!"Frisk
"Oh Right.I Got To Take It Slow.(Clears Throat)
How About We Start From The Beginning"Happstablook
"Ok so..."Frisk

*One Human Interview Later
<Privacy is a serious matter.Not Even You Can See It>

"Alright Thank You For The Interview"Happstablook floated up
"No problem it was fun"Frisk
"Well I'm Glad (Y/N) Takes Care of You Like Princesses"Happstablook
"I wouldn't take it that far"I said
"Well...We'll See About That Until The End Won't We(Giggles)"Happstablook smirked
"Ok Happstablook!"I said
"(Giggles)You Are Both Cute As (Y/N).You Three Would Make The Cutest Babies"Happstablook
"Ok Happstablook!!"We said
"Ah Just Good Old Fun.Now Until We Meet Again Darlings"Happstablook heads towards the door
*Happstablook phase through the door as me and Frisk opened it and walked out.

*We couldn't find (Y/N) or Asriel on the first floor
(Guess they went to Grilby's)
"Oh Come On!(Y/N) Has Me Over And Not Even Caring.Its No Fair You Two Get All The Attention"Happstablook said grumpily
"Happstablook do you like (Y/N)?"Frisk
"Oh No Darling That's Never Happening"Happstablook said with confidence
"Then why are you so fixated about being center his attention?"I asked
"Well Because I'm Me!Darling.Everyone I Meet Is Stunned By My Beauty That They Can't Stop Staring.But When It Comes To That Idiot.He Isn't A Tiny Bit Interested"
"Maybe he isn't into Ghost"Frisk said
"That Not It Darling.He's Just Not Amused By Anyone.He Only Talks To People Not Because He Wants To But Because He Has To"Happstablook
"What do you mean?"We asked
"Well Lets Have That Chat Later.I Have To Get This Notepad Back Home Before Blookey Takes Care Of The Snails"Happstablook said leaving
"Alright.It was nice talking to you"Frisk
"Ta Ta Darlings"Happstablook said
*Happstblook left

*You see Frisk staring at you
"It's not fair he talked sweetly to you this morning"Frisk
"Well like Happstablook said.I can't help it if he's stunned by me"
"Mmm even though we look the same"Frisk pouted
"Well your the one who wanted to hold him when you wanted to sleep together"I said
"I did that in my sleep!"Frisk replied
"Sure.I believe you"
"(Sigh)I'm hungry"Frisk
"Yeah same"I said
"Yeah me too"Asriel voice

"Um Asriel where are you?"I asked
*Asriel appeared on the couch and with...(Y/N)
(Oh no he didn't)
<Girl! YES he did>
"Oh you finish talking already?"(Y/N) said


<Don't you LOVE the sweet taste of Revenge?>
<And kinda went over board...over 2,000 words>

Female Frisk and Chara x Malereader [Completed]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant