Part one

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Naruto pov

I don't know why I'm feeling like this! I've been like this since that drink with Sakura! Man, she must've put something in my drink . . . . . . but that was weeks ago!!! If she put something in my drink then why would it still be affecting me? I'm gonna have to ask her today since I have nothing to do today soooooooo. As I get on my shoes to head out there's a knock at my front door, which is funny since neither I or Hinata are expecting visitors today so I go to the door and open it to find Sasuke Uchiha standing in my doorway staring at me smirking at my one shoe on/off ensemble.

 "S-Sasuke!!!" I yelled mostly out of embarrassment at him for seeing me like this and all he did was chuckle at me lowly. That always made shivers run down my back. He almost never laughs so when he does it's always like someone brought Satan to a Christian party. They all just stare at him in disbelief and horror which just makes him laugh even more! "Hey, dobe-" "SASUKE!!!" He full-on WHEEZED after that. " . . . . . . . . . . . . Okay. Who are you and what have you done with the real Sasuke?" He gave me a blank cold stare. Ah, so it was him. "Funny," he deadpanned.

 I fixed him with a blank stare of my own but the effect was probably lessened due to my bright baby blue irises, whiskers, and blonde hair. In short, I looked like a yellow cat. Stupid whiskers! As I stare at Sasuke giving him my look, I looked him over gauging how life's been handling him over the years. He grew a head or two taller than me . . . hmph! Why is he always taller than me?! It's not fair!!! (a/n: Yeah OKAY Naruto people being tall isn't fair, suuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrreeeeeee) 

Then I looked at his hair. It was down with a part on the side covering his left eye. I wonder why he did that? He looked good with his hair out of his face, not that I'm actually ever going to tell him this. Why would I? One: I'm a married man, Two: I've got kids, and Three: I'm not gay. (a/n: *whole Sasunaru ship fandom gasps at what I wrote in disbelief* HOLD ON IT'S ONLY THE BEGINNING DONT KILL ME!!!) So why would I tell a person whom I fought with for years that they looked hotter when we were kids? It would only start problems and it would be wrong. I've got a wife who loves me and kids who need a stable life without drama. 

"Okay Sasuke, spill. Why are you here in the middle of the day, without notifying me first before coming here?" He seemed surprised I cut straight to the chase. Well, we all have a few surprises up our sleeves Sasuke! Haha! One point for me! "Well, do-" he started, stopped, thought about what he was about to say, and obviously rejected it. "Well, Hokage-" I stopped him he was a long time friend there should be no need to actually call me Hokage. "Sasuke, for once maybe call me by my actual name perhaps?"

He looked like he was actually considering it which surprised me. He never takes what I say into consideration!!!!! As he is going to speak I grabbed his face and stopped him from talking. "Okay who are you actually and what have you done to the real Sasuke Uchiha? He never considers anything I say. So I ask you again. Who are you?" After my whole slight interrogation "Sasuke" stared at me a little longer before bringing his hand down on my head to karate chop my skull. "OW!!!! TEME!!!!! THAT HURT!!!!!" He scoffed with barely contained anger, "No shit Sherlock!!!!! WHY'D YOU GRAB MY FACE?!?!?!?!?!?!?" I stared at him as he had not gotten the whole concept of my interrogation/rant. "YOU'RE NOT THE REAL SASUKE!!!!!!" I broke the dam "YES I AM YOU STUPID DOBE!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Waaaaaah!!!!!!! Such a mean Sasuke!! Always so mean to me!" I then proceeded to go into a corner and cry crocodile tears.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . And that's it. I lied to myself in my other book that this was going to be a one shot ;-; someone help me.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2020 ⏰

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