Dan laughed, "Well, I was about to head to the roof."

He was obviously lying, he was about to go back to his room and read the free Bible they give you because there was no TV.

Phil smiled, "Want company?"

Dan smiled back, "Of course."

They both headed down the corridors, chatting mindless nonsense.

"You've never tried Salmon?" Phil exclaimed. "Mate, we live in District 4!"

"I know, I know," Dan laughed. "But I lived by the salt-water, and you lived by the fresh-water. Aka, I ate codfish all my life, and you ate Salmon."

Phil smiled and shook his head, "Well, the first thing that's happening when we get back to 4, is you are eating Salmon because it is a delicacy."

Dan laughed, "Well, I would be happy too—"

He stopped dead in his tracks when his eyes laid on the girl down the hallway. She had dark brown hair – dyed – and big blue eyes. She was casually pretty, and very small. (A/N: Basically Emma Chamberlain)

"What's wrong?" Phil asked, when he saw her.

"It's Annie," Dan smiled. He exhaled and said, "It's Annie, she's okay!"

"—If you dare speak to me like that again, lady, I will knock your head into your neck!" they heard Annie fighting the nurse. "Now tell me where he is. Or find me a nurse who can."

She had a fierce and feminine voice, fighting to see Dan.

"Miss, I cannot just give out our patients' room numbers without ID, especially when they've been in the Hunger Games—" the nurse said helplessly.

"Bullshit!" Annie slammed her hand on the desk and everyone in the hallway turned to look at her. "That man there just walked into that room and I didn't see any fucking ID!"

"Miss, that was a nurse," The receptionist said. "I—"

Dan decided to step in and shout, "Annie?"

Annie turned immediately and saw Dan. Her eyes widened, and her face beamed, "Dan!"

She ran down the hallway at a high speed and jumped on him.

She was about 5"4 and he was 6"4. There was a bit of a height difference.

Annie jumped on him with such force he stumbled back a bit, as they embraced.

"Oh, my God, you're okay! You're really okay!" Dan said, and they broke apart.

"I'm okay? Mate, you just got out of the fucking Hunger Games, I'm livin' the great life," Annie scoffed.

Dan had a flashback to the games, one that made his blood run cold~

...she was screaming. She was screaming for him. She was screaming in pain.

"Dan!" she screamed. "Dan, help me! Please!"

Dan's head shot up, as his guts turned cold and his heart began to race.

"Annie?" Dan yelled. "Annie!"

"Help me!" She continued to scream. "Dan, help me!"

She screamed some more, and Dan scrambled up, his head faint from panic.

Phil had heard the screams and was rushing to the shore, "Dan, no!"

Dan refused to listen, and plunged into the jungle.

"Goddammit Dan," Phil mumbled and ran after him.

Dan was already halfway through the jungle, "Annie, hold on! I'm coming!"

"Dan!" she screamed. He followed her screams and cries, halfway to tears himself.

He came to a stop when he noticed a black bird swirling above his head.

The screams were coming from the bird.

"What?" Dan breathed.

Then he realised. They were JabberJay's.

But something sent an ice cold feeling down his spine, as Phil skidded to a stop next to him and grabbed his arm.

"Dan, stop!" Phil exclaimed. "They're only JabberJay's, it's not Annie!"

"JabberJay's copy sounds," Dan said shakily. "How do you think they got those screams, Phil?"...

Dan sighed, "You know what I'm talking about."

Annie sighed as well and said, "Yeah. I do."

"Annie, what the Hell happened?" Dan asked, with concern in his voice. "I thought you were..."

"Dead?" Annie sighed and shook her head. "Nope, not yet anyways."

"So, what happened to you?" He asked.

"They asked for a recording of my voice, and they wanted me to yell your name." Annie started. "I refused, because I knew they would use it against you. But, they took Johnny, they threatened to kill him unless I gave a recording of my voice. So, I did. And with their oh so powerful technology, they took the recording of me saying 'Dan' and stretched and formed it and layered it on top of another girl screaming in pain who sounded like me, to seem like I was screaming and crying for help. But, I was horrified about what it did to you. It was the only thing I could do to get Johnny back."

Johnny was Annie's little brother, him and Dan used to play all the time before Annie moved to the Capitol.

Dan sighed as relief flooded his veins, "I'm just happy nothing bad actually happened to you, or Johnny."

Annie nodded, and looked at Phil. Phil felt a little awkward and more like a third wheel now that Annie was there.

She looked at him for a minute, before pulling him into a hug.

Phil stood for a moment, and looked at Dan.

Dan grinned and mouth-worded, "She's a hugger"

"Thank you so much for getting Dan out of there alive!" She said into his t-shirt. "I don't know what he would've done without you!"

Dan nodded slowly, before he realised what she said and exclaimed, "Hey!"

Annie giggled and stepped back, looking at Dan, "Kidding! But, let's face it; Phil had a lot more chance of surviving on his own than you did."

Dan gapped his mouth and Phil sniggered.

He was actually liking Annie.

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