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Connie watched as Steven walked away and none of the followed him, she panicked, but Garnet held her back. She watched him go farther and farther. She felt so alone, her biscuit, just gone. “Will he come back?” She said, in a monotone voice, feeling empty from her head to her toes. Like a part of her was stripped away.

“Eventually, when he’s ready, he’ll be back. In the meantime we should head back and find Amethyst. We need to group, and talk. Connie, please go back home, we’ll call you with any updates,” Garnet explained in a serious tone, like she had a plan.

“What would you like us to do?” White asked, only because she cared about Steven. She couldn’t believe that he turned into that thing, she wished she could have done more.

Garnet sighed, “right, I forgot you guys were still here..” she mumbled to herself. “Go back to Homeworld, if we figure a solution out, we’ll contact you,” she responded, a tad bit of annoyance in her voice. She hadn’t really forgave the diamonds yet, she only tolerated them for Steven.

With that, everyone was heading back their own ways, Connie went home, the gems went to amethyst, and the diamonds went back to Homeworld. 

Steven walked not knowing where he was going, he looked, observing and comparing the field to the battlefield from Pearl’s Pearl inside Pearl’s Pearl inside Pearl’s Pearl inside Pearl’s Pearl. He sat down in a bush of strawberries, making himself comfortable, and then stretched out. He still wasn’t used to having extra body parts.

Steven thought about going to sleep, but all he could think about the interaction. He had fought the diamonds, out of fear? How stupid was that. He grumbled to himself, and re-lived the scene over in his head, thinking about what he should have done differently.

“Connie, I’m so sorry, I should have told all of you sooner!” Steven said, his voice cracking. He let everyone group hug him. “I love you, guys. I just wish that I wasn’t Pink Diamond.”

Steven shuttered, he didn’t want that, he didn’t want to think about that, what was happening? Steven closed his eyes again, trying to make a happy ending for himself like he was supposed to have.

“Pearl! Make them give me a colony! I deserve it! Why do they think they’re everything, when I’m just like them! I want to be everything too!” Steven stared at Pearl, as she slowly looked more like Pink Pearl. Steven stomped his feet.

Steven stood up, shaking his head. He couldn’t do it, everything that was good always was replaced in some way by his mother’s horrible actions! He paced around, and then started tearing at the ground, needing to get his anger out in some way, thinking that the Earth would be a good way to hurt her, since she worshiped it so much.

Steven sat down in the large hole he made, and took a deep breath out. He just wanted a happy ending, but apparently that wasn’t gonna work. Mentally exhausted, Steven passed out, tired of trying to fix his problems, he’d rather avoid them than ever face them.

authors note:
woo boy, so this is just a warning, there may be blood in the next chapter, unsure so far. anD yEs I did the get the amount of Pearl’s pearl rigHt. Alright, have a good day.

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