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- Trigger warning/ spoiler for leak -

“Garnet, what should we do? Do we need to bring the diamonds into this? Could they heal them?” Pearl frantically asked Garnet, while looking over at Steven occasionally. She was so worried about him, she hated even seeing him like this. She felt like it was her fault she didn’t do something sooner. She watched Garnet think for a couple minutes before she responded.

“We probably should get the diamonds, it may be the only way to heal him. You and I can go together, let’s leave Connie here. I doubt Steven would harm her, he looks like he has control of himself,” Garnet replied, her tone played off weirdly. It sounded like she didn’t believe there was anything that could help him.

Pearl nodded nervously, and walked back to where Connie was sitting as Steven laid his head near her. “Hey Connie, Garnet and I are going to go for a while, are you going to be okay?” She tried to not make eye contact with Steven. 

Connie nodded, “Yeah, Steven and I will be just fine. Can you bring back some CHAAPS? Steven loves those, maybe it’ll cheer him up,” She said as she laid her hand on his muzzle, petting him, trying to comfort him. Pearl nodded and walked back to Garnet as they hopped on the warp pad and warped off. Hopefully to get the diamonds help. But only time would tell what happened.

Steven watched them warp off, wishing he could say so much, but he focused on Connie first. She was the only one who stayed with him the most. He looked at her eye, guilt filling him, but he ignored it. He felt so awkward that he couldn't just hug her, he felt more awkward that he was in a cage, but with Connie there he felt calmer. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Steven looked around, he was back in the dark space, but this time he saw Connie. “She must have fallen asleep as well..” He mumbled to himself. Then the realization hit him, maybe he could contact her! He ran towards where Connie was standing.

Steven tapped Connie on the shoulder, and Connie turned around, but it wasn’t Connie. Steven gasped, and grabbed his stomach. Her eyes were gone, and blood was pouring out of them, as well as her mouth. Steven stumbled back, screaming, then waking up.

Steven sat up quickly, he was in the cage, he needed to get out of there. He needed to prevent himself from hurting Connie again, that had to have been a sign. So many thoughts raced through his head. He shuffled around, going against the bars, but they wouldn’t budge much. He couldn’t see Connie, he was too focused on getting out.

Then, a warp sound came along with a gasp. Steven turned around to see the Diamonds, he was about White’s height, maybe taller. His stomach dropped, and he panicked more. ‘This is why the crystal gems left, to get the diamonds!’ He was pissed off. He didn't want the diamonds here, at least not now. They'd say something about his mother or worse!

Steven went back and focused on the bars, ignoring the fact the Diamonds were running towards him, most likely to get him to stop. But he needed to get out of there, finally the bars Bagan to bend. He ran out of the cage as fast as he could, but felt something grab his back.

Steven turned around and panicked, unsure of who was holding him back, instead he just started swinging. ‘How am I supposed to live, if it always feels like I’m about to die! Especially now!’ He screamed to himself, trying to escape their grasp, but it was too tight. He was pushed down to the ground and held down.

Then he suddenly felt light headed, he felt himself getting smaller and lighter for some reason. He looked down. He was towards the ground! He was normal height again, but then he noticed that the diamonds were using their power on him. He wasn't healed, if they let go he’d go back.

Steven looked ahead and saw the crystal gems running towards him, crying, and Connie with a bag of CHAAPS. 

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