Trucy x Simon

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I sat glumly next to Apollo on his desk. "If only I wasn't so busy with my shows, maybe I could see him more often..."

Apollo sighed. "Who are you going on about now, Trucy? Klavier again?"

"No! That was a long time ago, Polly. I'm 25 now and I have my eyes set on somebody else!"

"Yet you still carry on about Klavier."


"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He batted away my hands, defending himself from my hits. "But it's true, you haven't stopped talking about him ever since that concert we were invited to. You still have all of his posters too..."

"But that's because he's a famous rock star and prosecutor! Who wouldn't love him?!"

"Me, for starters."

"Hmph!" I turned away, crossing my arms and smirking. "Does he still try to flirt with you, Herr Forehead?"

A low groan came from him. "Don't remind me. Even after all this time he's still trying to win me over. Anyway, you were saying that you had your eyes set on someone else. Who is this "mystery person" you apparently keep going on about?"

Swiveling around, I faced Apollo again. "Take a guess~"

"Trucy, I don't have the time to guess."

"Aw but, Polly!" I put on my best puppy eyes. "Don't you want to guess?"

"Not really."

"You're no fun. Fine, I'll tell you. It's Prosecutor Simon Blackquill, the Twisted Samurai!"

Apollo jumped and stared at me. "Simon Blackquill?! You're in love with him?!"

I smiled and nodded cheerfully. "Yep! He's so cool and fearless! Do you think he'd be able to teach me how to tame a bird of my own?"

"If he does, remind me to move to someplace else. Like another town or city."

"Oh, don't be such a bore! Having a bird like Taka would be fantastic for me and my tricks!"

"Are you only interested in his bird?"

"Of course not, but I would like a bird of my own." I wonder if Apollo would let me dress him up as a bird for my show...

"Uh, Trucy? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No reason! Polly, what do you think of Simon? Do you think he and I could work together?"

Apollo leaned back in his chair, hand on his chin as he thought deeply about his answer. The longer he took, the more nervous I became as I waited and waited and waited. A couple of times I caught him looking at me and smirking which set me on edge. 

"Come on, Polly, surely you have an answer by now!"

With one final hum, Apollo opened his eyes and sat with his hands clasped together. "If you want my honest opinion, I think you two would work really well together. He's a serious guy and is able to take care of himself so I'm sure he'd be more than able to keep you in check. For all his "twisted" and "menial" methods, he has a good heart and he'd treat you right as well."

"Aside from your snide remark about me, do you really think we could be together?"

"Well, as long as you don't be as annoying to him as you are to me I'm more than positive you will."

"Ha ha." Punching him lightly, I stood up and pulled him out of his chair. "Come on! You have to come with me to meet him."

"Wh-what?! Why me?! It's you who should be confessing!"

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