Larry x Edgeworth x Phoenix Part 2

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"I know you like Nicky, it's obvious."

Edgeworth huffed and crossed his arms. "So what? Are you going to tell me to stay away from him?"

I smiled. "Nope!"


"I'm not going to. Instead, I have a plan."

He rubbed the bridge of his nose and mumbled, "Of course you do. What is this plan of yours? And why aren't you wanting me to stay away from him?"

"Well, to answer your first question, it's going to be a surprise for Nicky. We're going to buy him a present together that he'll absolutely love! And the reason why I'm not going to stop you is because I don't want to."

He stared at me after my explanation. "I understand us getting him a present, not too sure about the together part, but what kind of reason to not stop me is 'because you don't want to'?"

"I just don't want to stop you." He gave me an annoyed look. "Oh, come on! Shouldn't you be happy about this?"

"I still think it odd that you'd allow me to get close to your boyfriend."

"Well, that may be because I know something that you don't."

"And what is it that you know that I don't?"

With a sly smile I answered, "It's a secret. One that only I and Nicky knows."

He sighed. "You two are the bane of my existence."

"Haha, don't be like that, Edgey! Now, come on. It's about time we got back."

Edgeworth nodded and proceeded to walk back to the cafe. I hung my arm loosely around his shoulder as we walked, earning a surprised look from both him and Phoenix as we returned to our seats.

"I see you two have gotten closer. Am I not enough for you, Larry?"

"Aw, of course you are! But I can't help it if he's into me too. Right, Edgey?" I shook his shoulder lightly, my arm still wrapped around him.

"Not in the slightest," He said, batting my hand away.

We left the warmth of the cafe again, laughing at Edgeworth's discomfort and continued walking down the street. Not knowing where to go, we decided on going to the park. It had been a while since all three of us were together at the park. It's nostalgic walking past the playground and benches, pointing out all the places where we used to play tag and hide-and-seek.

They were good times.

"Hm, I'm going to have to leave soon. I'm due back at the office in half and hour."

"So soon?" Phoenix went to his side and shook his hand. "Well, it's been nice seeing you again. Hopefully next time we can hang out longer."

Seizing my opportunity, I stepped between them and side hugged Edgeworth. "Hey, Edgey. Wanna hang out tomorrow? I'm sure you can make time tomorrow to spend with me."

He looked at me, confused. "Time with you? Why would I do that?"

"Oh, you know, so we can have fun, catch up with each other more, go shopping..." I emphasised the last part and winked at him.

"R-right. I'm sure I can make time in my schedule then, just for you."

Phoenix looked between us, confusion written all over his face. "What about me? Don't I get to come along?"

I shook his hair. "Sorry, but this is just for the two of us. We hardly see each other nowadays. You get to see him all the time in court."

"But that's not spending time with each other!"

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