Phoenix x Shelly de Killer Part 2

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Several weeks had passed since my last encounter with de Killer. During those weeks, I had sat in my apartment waiting for the day that he'd come back and demand for my answer. You'd think that after all this time of waiting I'd have come up with a response to his question. Well, I haven't.

Ever since that night, my thoughts had only been of him and what he'd might do to me if I either accepted or refused his request. If I accepted, I'd be the lover of an international assassin and as a lawyer, you can already tell how bad that sounds for both of our situations.

Me more than him I'd think.

If I declined however, who knows what he'd do to me. A calm and polite man he may be, but he is a killer and a professional at that. He's uncanny and there's no way of knowing what he might do to me. The worse that could happen is him killing me but he could be capable of other things. Other methods of winning my love...

Argh! Get your head out of the gutter, Phoenix! This isn't good for you!

It was true. My mind had been clouded with thoughts of de Killer and how best to respond to him. I had been without rest thinking of these things that it took a toll on my health, to the point that Maya had come up to me just last week asking if I was alright. Apparently, I had been staring outside a window for about 3 hours and not doing anything. After that, I wasn't allowed to stay in the office for the rest of the day and returned home although it did little to relieve me of my plaguing thoughts. In fact, it continued for the rest of the week up till today when I was sent home again.

There's no way I could tell Maya either about him and that night. She'd think I'd gone mad and probably inform the police about it. Or worse, she'd tell Miles and goodness knows what will happen then.

I shook my head, laughing at the imaginary events of what could be, and looked out the window. To think that night as I danced in full view of the white moon's face, I had also been dancing in view of de Killer. A chill runs down my spine every time I think about it.

Why did it have to be me though? I know he explained why, but why?

Sitting on the couch thinking to myself wasn't going to do me much good. I stood up looking for something to do, something to distract myself with. 

I need something to pull my mind away from him but what? Wait a minute. Didn't he say after that trial that he had a website I could use to contact him?

An internal battle ensued inside my brain, combatting whether I should look at his website or I shouldn't. Scrunching my face up, I finally decided that I would check it out and see what kind of services de Killer had to offer.

Grabbing my laptop, I hastily began searching for his website which proved to be not that hard to find. Upon opening the site, I was surprised by the home page; the background was a nice cream colour, his famous seashell design a pretty pink against it. Information about his latest targets and how they were killed were featured too as well as a separate page regarding the conditions of his contracts with clients and the consequences of breaking them.

There was a contact page which didn't have much to show other than a warning and a link back to the contract conditions page. It seemed like the only way to contact de Killer was through this website as there was no sign of an email or phone number.

Which is to be expected. It wouldn't make sense if he left a phone number or email for the police to find. Actually, are the police aware of all that's happening here? They should be since he practically details everything he does here. Hm...I don't think I want to read anymore about this person...

"Find something interesting, Wright?"

"! De Killer—agh!"


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