Into Sixer's office you must peek...who is Sixer?

Finally, the horrifying truth hit me like a gust of wind, chilling my very bones and sending a shiver down my spine.

"Sixer is Ford?!" I squeaked breathlessly, gripping the sink for support until my knuckles turned white. All of a sudden, my palms felt sticky and I knew what had to be done.

I had to rummage through Ford's office to find what I needed. I didn't know what I would find, or how long I would be there, but surely if Bill had foreseen it, I would finally get the answers I needed. I was going to sneak into his office tonight while everyone was distracted.


After successfully sneaking towards the vending machine, I realized that there was one issue. The last time I had been able to sneak into Ford's lab because the door to the vending machine was already open.

However, this time, the door was tightly shut and simply looked like any old vending machine. I stood in front of it, unsure of whether to try typing in a code or to ask for help.

No, of course you can't ask for help, stupid. Especially not-

And of course, the very last man I wanted showing up slowly opened the vending machine door from the other side. A faint blue light emitted from the machine as a tall figure appeared, adjusting his slightly cracked glasses and looking surprised at my presence.

"Oh, greetings, (Y/N). Why aren't you down at the party?" asked Ford warmly, looking down and relaxing a bit. His mood was mostly inviting and encouraged me to keep talking to him, but at the same time, I could detect a strange look in his eyes. It almost looked like, suspicion?

Quickly, I came up with a response. Well, not quite a response, but a question. "Why aren't you?"

He simply chuckled. "I'm much too old for those sorts of affairs."

"But, I saw Stan down there just a moment ago," I mentioned, "Maybe you could afford to let loose for a little while." I suggested truthfully, but I was also trying to distract Ford so I could sneak into his office.

He gave me a look that I couldn't quite figure out. It was almost like he wanted to go downstairs, but he hesitated and shook his head. "I mustn't. I have quite a few things I need to research in my lab." Ford stated vaguely, refusing to let too much information out of his mouth.

I frowned slightly, knowing that I couldn't sneak into his lab. Then, I asked the only question I could; "Could I use that small space in your office I used a little while ago? I need time to think about something if it's alright with you." I asked nervously, fiddling with the hem of my low crop top.

He continued to fixate his steel grey eyes upon me, trying to find an answer that would satisfy him. It was almost as if he had lost trust in me suddenly, and knowing that he was looking at me like I was a stranger was a gut-wrenching feeling. Finally, he settled on a response. "I suppose it wouldn't be a distraction to my studies." he told me, forcing a small smile that tugged the corner of his lips.

I sighed gratefully and followed him back down the eerie wooden staircase, crawling into the small room that had been designated for my "elaborate thinking time", as I liked to call it.

As soon as Ford had shut the door, I quickly grabbed a few pieces of paper and came up with a plan to distract Ford from his office. Time flew by too quickly, and I knew I had to go home soon, meaning that I would have to wait even longer for answers.

No, I have to do this tonight. I reminded myself, crumpling up a piece of graph paper with several plans scribbled messily on it. I ran both my hands through my hair in frustration, feeling lost on how to get inside.

Entropy (Dipper X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now