Chapter 14

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Celeste walked upto Minister's office. It's been a month since she was back to work after a slap on her wrist despite her efforts that landed Grindelwald in jail.

Despite the slap on her wrist, Celeste was now head of magical law and enforcement, making her the only member in her family to hold a post of head.

"You wanted to see me, Minister Fawley?" Celeste asked, walking in his office. "Ah yes. Take a seat Ms. Fischer. I have heard a lot of praise in just one month of you being the head of the department." Fawley said, grinning. Celeste rolled her eyes inwardly and kept her gaze locked with him.

"And what any of that has to do with this...sudden meeting?" Celeste asked, twining her fingers on her lap.

"I want you to be assigned to the case of Obscurus." Fawley said, making Celeste raise her brow. "And what for?" Celeste asked, giving him a look.

"He is the obscurus you encountered in New York. He is in Europe. I want him gone. Dead. And I trust you to do so." Fawley said, leaning back in his chair.

A small laughter passed Celeste's lips, making Fawley raise his brow at her. "Was that a joke to you, Ms. Fischer?" Fawley asked, narrowing his eyes at her.

"Absolutely minister. You are trying to open a case in which the victim is dead. And, let's say if he is alive, why go and piss him more off? There has been no mysterious destruction this past month anywhere. So, tell me, why should I do this?" Celeste asked, her eyes narrowing.

"Because I have pressure to keep up. Grindelwald is gone, there is nothing to worry about. But people are still concerned about the escaped Obscurus." Fawley said, huffing.

"Then take my answer. No." Celeste said, before standing up. "No? No?! We are talking about obscurus here!" Fawley exclaimed loudly, slapping the table with his palm.

"Based on no evidence whatsoever. Where is the obscurus?" Celeste asked, turning around, her hand firm on the handle.

Fawley just stared at her, with no words coming out of his mouth. "We have some ideas...." He finally said but he trailed away at last as he noticed the looks in the eyes of Celeste.

"Why use your energy in a case which has no evidence or location whatsoever. And I am not going to terminate him. He is the result of our own recklessness and muggle's ego. He deserves to live. If he isn't harming anyone, then there is no reason I am going to kill him." Celeste said, coldly before opening the door and stepping out of the office.

After a long tedious day at ministry, Celeste entered her house with a tired sigh. She hung her coat on the rack before walking further in the house.

She could hear some voices making her internally groan and chuckle. "How stupid of me to forget this." She muttered under her breath as she entered her living room, noticing Albert nursing a glass of whiskey and looking like he was in physical pain.

"Oh here you are Celeste!" Albert exclaimed as he noticed her daughter standing at the threshold of the living room.

"What's going on?" Celeste asked, chuckling. "Your mother is grilling me and Newt about the decorations. She is at it for an hour. Rescue us." Albert said, earning a sharp look from Stefanie.

"Mum, Lass es uns in mein Zimmer neh." Celeste said, winking at her dad. "Ja. I need to make some plans." Stefanie said, her Germanic accent too heavy, signaling that she was stressing out.

"Newt, we are having company tomorrow. Dinner with Charlus and his wife." Celeste said before she was whisked away by her mother.

And as though leaves shed from the tree in autumn season, it was the day where Celeste's world will change a little bit, but will surely change.

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