Chapter 7

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Celeste was chasing Gilbert around. Gilbert returned from his mission just a few minutes ago, and both of them decided that chasing each other would be a good idea.

"Alright I quit Gil! My legs are jello!" Celeste exclaimed as she stopped running and laughed.

"True true. When are your N.E.W.T.S. results coming in?" Gilbert asked as both of them plopped on the sofa.

"Probably today, but I really don't know." Celeste said as she conjured a butterfly wandless and non verbally.

"I am perfectly sure that Fawley will hire you at once." Gilbert said as he was amused how early his sister knew wandless non verbal magic.

"Now you are just bluffing." Celeste said, rolling her eyes. Their parents entered the room with two males behind them.

"Ah Theseus!" Gilbert exclaimed before standing up and went ahead to hug the male.

"It's nice to see you too Gilbert. We are not here at all." Albert joked before walking further into the sitting room.

"Dad, I see you everyday. But this auror here is always busy." Gilbert said, rolling his eyes, but took his best mate out in the backyard.

Celeste was blatantly staring at the other man. "Newt!" Celeste exclaimed before getting on her feets and rushed to hug the Reddish brown haired boy.

"Oof." Newt laughed as the icy blonde hugged him. "Finally you are back!" She exclaimed, her parents exchanging a smile before taking their place on the sofa.

"They will be staying with us for some time. Dora had some work in France, so we took them in for a time being. Theseus was all about having an apartment and he can live alone, but we shut his argument down." Albert said, removing his glasses to clean them.

"Do you mind if we head in the garden for a while? I need to catch up with him." Celeste said, a smile not leaving his face.

"Of course not. Just look out for your Owl. Your results are supposed to be arriving today." Stefanie said, giving the couple a smile.

"Merlin's pants! I knew it was coming today, but I am not ready!" Celeste exclaimed as they made it to the garden.

"Hey, it's gonna be ok. The thing I know is that you are gonna break the records of marks." Newt tried to reassure the blonde but it was too late.

She started to pace across the garden. "I know I totally failed at charms. Oh no, what am I supposed to do now?!" Celeste racked her head before she was stopped in her mid pacing.

"Celeste, it's going to be alright. And you are not going to fail. You are going to be fine." Newt said as he rested his hands on her shoulder.

"Yes, yes I will be fine. I will be fine. Why was I hyperventilating again?" Celeste asked, now feeling dumb.

"It's alright, we freak out and that's totally fine. So what did you do with your free time?" Newt asked as they started to stroll in the garden.

"Started to train with my brother. I know the concealing and disguising spell. I am actually trying to become an animagus." Celeste said as she looked at Newt.

"Animagus? Really?" Newt asked, a proud smile on his face.

"I am done with the first step. The Ministry knows that Of Course. But how was your vacation? Got some tension loose from your shoulder?" Celeste asked as they continued their stroll.

"Yes, it did the magic. Mum took us to see dragons. They were so majestic. I hope to get promoted to beast division. I really want to work with creatures." Newt said excitedly.

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