Chapter 3

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Celeste was pacing around the common room, clearly freaking out. Her hands in her icy blonde hair, fingers pulling at them.

"Why are you freaking out Cel?" Helena asked as she was confused at the nervous and freaking out Celeste, which was a rare sight.

"Because I am going on a date with Newt, my best friend. If I fuck this up, then bye bye to the friendship we have!" Celeste exclaimed as she stopped and looked at Helena, panic visible in her eyes.

"And why do you think you will fuck it up?" Helena asked as she propped her head on her palm, and elbow supported her.

"Because I am very much capable of doing that! Like really prone to do it! And chances increase as I get more nervous!" Celeste exclaimed before starting to pace the room again.

Helena sighed before standing up from her leaning position and walked towards her distressed best friend.

"First off, stop pacing around like that. I swear I felt a bit dizzy seeing you pace around the room like that." Helena said as she stopped her best friend from further stressing herself.

She grabbed Celeste's soldier, and looked deep into her eyes holding the gaze.

"Listen Celeste, you have known Newt for 3 years. It doesn't change a thing that you are like bestest friend, Of course after me and you, but that's beside the point. Just go to this date like you are going with Newt as a best friend. Be yourself, and you are not this freaked out Celeste." Helena said her eyebrows were raised with a serious look on her face.

"Yes, you are right. Celeste, you can do this." Celeste said to herself before bringing Helena into a tight hug.

"Thank you so much for the pep talk, I would have gone bald, if not for you." Celeste joked before pulling away and straightening her white dress she was wearing.

"Now go before the poor boy thinks that you ditched him." Helena said while snickering and pushing Celeste towards the door, which only earned her a hard glare thrown at her by Celeste.

As she descended down the stairs, she heard a few voices and she knew by it that Newt was in the common room with others.

"Newt, from every gryffindor, a small warning. Well it's unlikely that you will ever break her heart, because you will die before breaking her heart. But if the sun rises from the west, and you break her heart, you know who you are dealing with." A voice, likely to be charlus' , spoke up making Celeste roll her eyes.

"Done threatening the poor guy? If I wasn't supposed to be off to Hogsmeade, I would have given you all earful but we have to go." Celeste spoke up, making her presence known in the common room.

Newt was sitting on a sofa looking extremely nervous. He turned his head around the source of the voice, just to freeze at the person standing at the base of the staircase.

Celeste offered him a small smile as she walked further into the room and halted by the sofa he was sitting on.

"Potter, as my memory serves, you have a date with wood. So my personal threat, break her heart, get ready for bluggers, hexes and curses being thrown at you. Got it?" Celeste said, raising her eyebrow, a small victorious smirk took a place on her lips, as Charlus grumbled and looked away.

"That's what I thought. Newt, ready to go?" Celeste asked the seated boy, who stood and nodded his head.

As both of them made their way towards the portrait hole together, there were few wolf whistles that resounded in the common room making Newt blush profusely, and Celeste to give them a glare.

"Y-you look beautiful." Newt spoke up once they were out of other's earshot.

"Why thank you, sir. I must say, you look fabulous." Celeste said as she offered him a cheeky grin.

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