Fuck You

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"He asked me what I knew about your case." Julie said, her voice a bit nervous.

"And what did you say?" I asked.

"I said your case is confidential, and no one but you has access to it. Of course I know the chief does, but he doesn't need to know that." I could hear the smile in her voice.

"Tell the chief that I'll be back in an hour or so." I yawned.

"Alright. Hurry up, I miss you." She said sweetly.

"I miss you too." I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

I ended the call and looked over at Jeff, he was still asleep.

I sighed and stretched a bit more before getting ready to leave.

I still had work clothes on, so I decided to just change my pants.

I made myself a cup of coffee before leaving my apartment and locking the door behind me.

I probably should've left a note for Jeff, but whatever.

I made my way to the station, hurrying to Julies desk as soon as I arrived.

"Okay, I'm here." I sighed.

"Finally. Michael is at his desk, so be careful with him. He asked me if you were coming in today as soon as I got off the phone with you." She warned.

"Ugh he's such a creep." I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my coffee.

"Okay, talk to you later." I said, waving as I walked to my desk.

I set my coffee down and took off my coat, then flopped down in my chair.

I yawned a bit and opened my laptop, clicking on my

Spam, spam, spam, more spam.

Ooh, Michael.


I clicked on the e-mail and sighed.

"I know what you're hiding. You helped him, didn't you? You're sick.


Fucking asshole!

I slammed my fist down on my desk and turned around to face him.

He was already staring at me, his cold green eyes sunk right into my skin.

"I'll fucking kill you." I mouthed.

He smirked a bit and spun his chair back around, going back to his paperwork.

That bastard.

He thinks he can scare me?

Fuck you.

I pulled out my phone and called my house phone.

I never really used it since no one knows the number, but my mom gave it to me when I moved in.

The only useful thing she ever did, I suppose.

"Come on, answer." I whispered.

"Hello?" A tired voice mumbled.

"Jeff! Listen, I need you to meet me outside the station. Just go around by the back door. There isn't a camera in the corner beside the dumpster. I have something very important that I need to tell you." I said slowly.

"(Y/N)? Where the hell are you? I thought you went to take a shit." Jeff said.

"What the hell? No. I had to go to work, dumbass." I rolled my eyes and sat back in my chair.

"Anyways, I'm gonna eat before I do shit. Where's your pain meds? My head is killing me." He asked.

"In the medicine cabinet. Drink some water, and don't eat my fucking bagels or I will hurt you. Now, I have to go. Just call me before you leave the apartment so I can wait for you." I threatened.

"Whatever. Bye." He mumbled, hanging up.

"Dick." I rolled my eyes.

I kept myself looking busy while I waited for Jeff, getting some old, over-due paperwork done from cases that were closed months ago.

Julie sent me an email about Michael.

"Babes, Michael put something on your desk when he walked by. Some sort of black box looking thing? Just bring it to me, I'll take care of it.

Xoxo, your lesbian best friend"

I took a deep breath and looked behind my stack of papers.

Sure enough, there it was.

A small listening device we use on sting operations.

If hidden correctly, these fuckers can get people sent to prison in no time.

Usually, they're locked up.

So how in the hell did Michael get his hands on one?

Oh, his little side piece, that's right.

She has a key to the lockers we put the gear in.

How convenient, that he would sleep with someone and then have access to their side of the job.

Alright, fucker, let's see what we can do to get you out of my way.

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