Shit Faced

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We were both silent on the walk home, the only sound coming from either of us was the rustling of our grocery bags.

Jeff didn't try to hold my hand this time.

I'm fact, he walked a few feet ahead of me, leaving an uncomfortable gap between us.

I wanted to speed up and walk by him again, but something told me he didn't feel like walking by anyone, so I restrained myself.

While walking, I felt an impending sense of doom, like something bad was going to happen.

I took careful steps, glancing around me occasionally.

I was extra careful as we walked past alleyways or gaps between buildings, but nothing happened.

We made it to my building and walked up to my apartment with ease.

Jeff waited by my door, making me unlock it.

I felt my arm brush against his stomach as I unlocked the door.

We set our bags on the counter and began to unpack them, neither of us speaking.

The silence wasn't mandatory like it was while we were walking back.

I felt the need to break it.

"Um... Jeff?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah?" He glanced at me from the corner of his eye.

"I'm sorry." I stared at the floor, avoiding eye contact.

"Th'hell are you apologizing for? I'm the one that was out of line. I just thought you needed some time to cool off." He turned around to fully face me, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I thought you were mad at me." I said nervously.

"Stop acting like a nervous school girl. I'm not gonna hurt you." He rolled his eyes and took a step closer, backing me against the counter.

Oh my god why meeeee?!

"I know you aren't." I said quietly.

"Then why the fuck do you look so scared?" He asked.

"I don't know." I muttered.

I squeaked when his fingers went under my chin, forcing me to look up at him.

"Why are you scared of me?" He asked, his voice stern.

"I... um- I don't know." I repeated, stuttering.

Hmmm I dunno man, maybe because you're a GOD DAMN MURDERER???

Jeff rolled his eyes and released my chin, but I continued to stare at him.

His eyes...

"So you're scared one second, then staring at me while daydreaming the next? Make up your god damn mind. Do you want me or not?" He teased.

"Maybe..." I whispered quietly to myself.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Nothing." I said quickly, turning around to continue with the groceries.

"Have you ever fucked someone in this kitchen?" He questioned.

I froze in place.

"What the fuck kind of question is that??" I spun around and faced him again.

"You're blushing pretty bad so I'm gonna say no, but you've definitely thought about it. Maybe even thought about someone specific? Someone you've been thinking non stop about for 5 years?" He stared down at me, a glint in his eye.

Lovely - Jeff the Killer x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now