burning at both ends

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your tired silhouette.
my stretching limbs.
the wind in the trees.
your smudged mascara.
my bagged eyes.
the rain on the window.
your shallow breaths.
my absent mind.
the lightening in the east.
your stirring body.
my melancholy.
the candle burning at both ends.
your chest rising and falling.
my unsteady breath.
the wind in the trees.
your rosy cheeks.
my bruised heart.
the rain on the window.
your messy hair.
my thoughts somewhere else.
the lightening in the east.
your denial.
my delusion.
the candle burning at both ends.
your eyes awake.
my eyes flutter shut.
the candle burning at both ends.
your faith ill get better.
my understanding i won't.

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