"(Y/n), today are the auditions for the cheerleading team ! I heard you wanted to join us !" Mia cheered, gripping the (h/c) haired girl's hand in her own. 

They walked through the cafeteria, filling their trays with food. The school's lunch counter offered a vast variety of meals and desserts, from meats to vegetarian plates and from fruits to cookies. The (h/c) haired maiden took a plate filled with (f/f) and seized some cutlery while her bubbly friend opted for a plate of pastas and some cheese. 

"Yes, I'd like to cheer for my brother who's joining the football team." Her mouth curved in a warm smile at the thought of her sibling. 

Mia elbowed her teasingly, sending a mischievous smile her way. 

"Oh, and could I have the name of this surely hot boy ?" 

(Y/n) chuckled as they sat down at a table, amused by her friend's interest for a man she had yet to meet.

"How do you know that he's a hot guy for sure ? He could look like the Grinch for all you know." The (h/c) haired girl stated as she plunged her fork in her food. 

"I always thought the Grinch looked kinda cute with his greenness, you know ?" Mia held a hand to her chest in mock offend. "But more seriously though, with a sister like you hotness must run in his veins." 

Another set of chuckles left (Y/n)'s lips.

"His name is Yuu and he is indeed attractive. Well I think so at least, but beauty is subjective you know so don't hold me on my words. He's never been interested in girls though." She took a mouthful of her food, choosing not to react to the compliment her friend gave her. 

The green haired girl finished munching on her pastas before replying with an amused smile.

"Such a shame for the many fangirls of this high school but glad to know that my attraction for the same sex saves me from some heart ache." 

Mia gazed at her friend expectantly. She didn't know what would be her answer. Would she be disgusted ? Would she make a whole show of being overly excited ? Or would she throw her glass at her ? All the possibilities passed in her brain.

However she never expected for the (h/c) haired maiden to continue on eating her food without making any remark. But somehow she was glad. She never understood why people should have a reaction to these kind of reveals, she loved girls rather than boys. That's all. Nothing to get all crazy about. 

"I like you (Y/n)." 

The girl looked up, meeting the green haired girl's gaze.

"Well I am glad but why the sudden burst of love ?" 

Mia stabbed another pasta with her fork.

"People always make a big deal of other's sexuality if it is anything but heterosexual. But you seem like you could care less about if I prefer girls, boys or the Grinch. For you it just seems like a casualty. And this makes me feel so fucking normal." 

The (h/c) haired female finished her mouthful before smiling kindly at her friend.

"I love you too Mia. But seriously I can't caution you loving the Grinch." 

The two maidens laughed together, the next minutes consisting of Mia arguing that the Grinch, despite his distasteful green colour was actually a good person, and (Y/n) retorting that he reminded her of the man from a French publicity. 

However (Y/n) soon spotted recognisable fluffy black locks in the distance. She couldn't help a small smile from curving her lips as she noticed the lack of glasses on his nose, his warm chocolate eyes now visible to the world. Ken stood, tray in hand and searching for a free spot to seat. He finally found a lonely place and made his way over, however (Y/n) had other plans for him. 

She stood up from her chair, surprising her green haired friend in the process, and walked in the boy's direction. 

"Hello Ken, want to seat with us ?" She greeted the shy male gently, waving her hand. 

Ken turned around quickly, his tray almost escaping his hold, her voice seemingly triggering his beating heart. 

"H-Hello (Y/n)... I-I don't want to intrude..." He looked down, feeling self conscious around the girl he adored. 

"Nonsense. I am happy to have a better look at your eyes and features by the way." With this, she took his arm gently and lead him to hers and Mia's spot, blissfully unaware of the male's burning cheeks and rushing mind. 

He had passed so much time this morning, wondering if he should follow her advice and take off his glasses. Would she notice him if he did ? Would other people mock him for trying to change ? But all his doubts went out of the window now that he heard her opinion. 

The green haired female looked up at the new comer and waved her hand? 

"Hi...Ken is that it ?" She queried, the dark haired male nodding shyly as (Y/n) sat him down on a chair beside hers. 

"So anyway, (Y/n), for the cheerleading auditions. It'll be tomorrow on the track field at noon. Honestly, I think you have all your chances to succeed, except if Carry decide to be a jealous bitch." 

"Alright, I'll try not to upset this... Carry." The (h/c) haired female chuckled and finished her last piece of food. 

Ken's fork stopped mid-air at the information. Was she trying to be a cheerleader for her brother ? He heard that Yuu intended to join the football team. Being overseen by everyone had it's perks, he could listen on every conversations without anyone noticing him. 

The (L/n) siblings had always been so supportive of each other, and he had always been kind of jealous. He envied Yuu for having such a wonderful and sweet sister as (Y/n), but further more he envied their relationship. 

His brother had never showed any sign of love towards him, or if he did it was subtly unnoticeable. And their relationship didn't get any better when he met (Y/n) officially, the only thing his brother could have to himself. 

"-Ken ?" The (h/c) haired  girl's melodious voice interrupted his thoughts.

"W-What ? S-Sorry..." He stuttered, fidgeting with his fingers.

"It's fine. I was asking if you were involved in any clubs or extracurricular." She smiled sweetly, the male trying to burn the image of her features in his memory.

After all, he could never have her, so might as well gather everything he can and cherish every piece of her he can get, right ?

"Y-Yes. I am part of the gardening club..." 

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