Two Worlds

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Monroe's pov

Before I could get up off the ground, one of Tony's suits passed over me and nearly tossed Loki.

"And there's one other person you pissed off," I smirked as I slowly stood up. Loki turned to aim his scepter at me until Stark came flying back with his new armor.

"His name was Phil," Tony declared. Loki switched his aim but was shoved back by Tony's repulsor. 

I jumped out of the way and nearly fell off the edge. I steadied myself when a loud boom came from above as a beam was shot up into the sky. Looking up, a portal became visible as some life forms entered the atmosphere. Right. Army. 

Stark flew up toward the chitauri as I helped as much as I could from below. Ripping some of them in half with force from one hand while using the other to shoot the energy straight through them. But even then, it seemed as though no blood had been shed. They kept coming through and we were outnumbered. I became distracted when I heard explosions coming from below, innocents were being attacked. Loki took his chance and shot me off the edge of the building. Luckily, some of the chitauri had come further down so that I was able to latch on to one passing by just before I hit the ground. Once low enough, I jumped down to the streets, tumbling until all momentum was lost. I held up a forcefield over the area and waited for people to hide or evacuate. As soon as civilians were safe, I curled my hands up to appear holding a sphere, trapping them. In one motion, I threw my hands opposite of each other, causing their limbs to tear apart. More chitauri came in from around the corner trying to take me down. I motioned my hands as if I were pulling each individual alien as small spurts of blue energy knocked them down, splattering on the ground. A sudden flash of red rushed passed me followed by more aliens. Police cars started to pull up and drew their weapons at me.

"Woah, hey. I'm not the enemy." I informed.

"After what we just witnessed, how do we know you're not one of them?" they pried.

"Because if I were, we wouldn't be having this conversation."

I slowly back away until I was sure none of them were going to fire their guns. Before I could do much, I spotted the quinjet going haywire. The wing was in flames as the jet began falling. Following, I slowed the jet down and made sure it avoided any buildings. They crash-landed in an open area and ran out of the opening ramp. I ran toward the three but noticed their eyes were glued elsewhere. That's when I heard the roar. No doubt something big was coming. A shadow was cast over the city as I looked up to see a giant worm-like form.

"Stark, you guys seeing this?" Cap asks through the comms. Nat, Barton, and I were standing with him.

"Seeing. Still working on believing." Tony replies. "Where's Banner? Has he shown up yet?"


"Just keep me posted."

THe four of us took cover behind some abandoned taxis. As more chitauri flew by, I was able to spot Loki riding with one of them. Explosions were sounding from behind as we became surrounded. Natasha reassured that her and Barton could handle their own before Cap lept to his next destination. 

"If you guys need me-"

"Jess, go. I've got Barton. Rogers needs you."

I wasted no time and lept off the bridge, slowing myself down with energy. I spotted Cap from the bus I landed on and shielded him until he had reached the cops huddled at the center of the road. I took my chance and climbed down, making my way over. I climbed on top of the car with Rogers and let my fangs grow, hopefully urging them on.

"You need to keep these people off the streets, they're running in the line of fire. It's not safe out here," I interrupted.

"I need a perimeter as far back as thirty-nineth." Cap finished.

"Why the hell should I take orders from you?" One of the offers questioned.

As if on cue, some explosions erupted from behind along with two incoming chitauri. I held up a forcefield to protect us all from the flames. Once our guard was down, the two aliens snuck upon us. I struck at the one to my left as Cap took care of the one to his right. The foreginer tried to grab me but I ducked and kicked at its ankles, making it kneel. Taking my chance, I picked myself up and kicked that son of a bitch on the head. Before it could lunge back at me I threw my hands up in the air, making the chitauri levitate and ripping its torso in half. Abother came from behind me, so I curled up and flipped the alien over me. As it lay flat on its back, I threw my hand up once again, forcing it to hit the wall behind it. It's head had been crushed by the force given. Turning back to Cap as he held the arm of one of the aliens that had attacked. Judging by our success, the cops finally understood which side we were on. After they'd been taken care of, Cap and I returned to Nat and Barton. I see Thor has joined the surface.

"What's the story upstairs?" Cap questions.

"The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable." 

"Thor is right. We gotta deal with these guys," Tony adds.

"How do we do this?" Nat asks.

"As a team, "Cap demands.

"I have unfinished business with Loki." Thor declares.

"Get in line," Clint adds.

"Save it, Loki is gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. Without him, these things could run wild." Before Cap could explain a plan, the motor of a motorcycle interrupted.

"So. This all seems horrible," Banner greets.

"I've seen worse." Nat states.


"No, we could use a little worse."

"Stark, we got him," Cap informs.


"Just like you said."

"Tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you."

Tony appears from afar with one of the giants following.

"I-I don't see how that's a party."

Banner began walking toward the form nonchalantly. Rogers stopped him, seeing as he was still 'normal'.

"That's my secret, Cap. I'm always angry." Bruce begins to grow as his complexion changes to green. He punches the head, denting it barely, as the body begins to roll on it's back. I formed a shield above the team as Tony used his missiles to push the body away from crushing us all. Most of the giant exploded, but its remains fell to the ground. Chitauri began roaring from the buildings, causing the Hulk to roar back. Tony landed beside me as we all formed a circle facing outward, prepared to fight back.

"Guys..." Nat speaks up, bringing our attention to the incoming.

"Call it Captain," Stark suggests.

"Alright, listen up. Until we can close that portal, our priority is containment. Barton, I want you on that roof. Eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or turn it to ash. Thor, gotta try and bottle up that portal. Slow them down. Light the bastards up. The three of us are gonna keep the fighting on the ground. And Hulk... "


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