Engine 3

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Monroe's pov

"Engine 3. I'll meet you there,"  the captain orders as he runs off to focus on the larger of situations... for now. Tony reached out to caress the side of my face as I give an apologetic look.

 "Time to suit up," he lets out softly as his suit appears, ready for combat. It wasn't until the wind got knocked out of me that I became distracted. I clutched at my chest as I leaned against the doorframe. I have to find her.

'Nat, where are you?'

I quickly limped out the hallways down to the equipment room, leaving Tony behind. Natasha's anxiety was rising and I felt every terrifying second of it. 

'Jess, don't come down here. Banner's gone rogue'

'I can handle Banner'

I stop in my tracks once I heard a loud roar, my pupils increasing in size from fear. The pain I felt seconds ago had vanished as my fight or flight kicked in. I rushed down to Nat's location, spotting the Hulk nearly about to swing at her. I didn't stop running but used it as momentum to leap toward the green giant. We both break through the wall into the next room as I shifted into the only form of myself I knew would stand a chance against him. I rolled over, turning back to the monster before me. Everyone cleared the room as us two giants stared each other down.

I used my hind legs to push myself forward, latching onto the arm of the Hulk with my jaw while shaking my head aggressively. My fangs sunk deeper into the flesh causing him to roar out in pain. With one move, he used his other arm to lift me up. I snap my fangs towards his face only to be thrown back into some pipes. They dented from impact as Nat crawled over to check on me, but I stood myself protectively before her. Just as the green monster was about to engage, Thor came flying in as he picked his fight.

 I lowered myself so that Natasha could climb on my back. She grabbed on my fur to steady herself as I ran back to a safe zone of the helicarrier. Once it was clear, I leaned down so it was easier for Nat to hop down. My fur had been dampened from her tears, but she would never admit that.

"Thanks, Jess." She gave a sad smile as she scratched behind my ear. "Has anyone else seen you like this?"

I huffed in response and proceeded to interrogate her wellbeing with a small whine.

"I'll be okay" She's lying. "Go help the rest of the team. They need you out there."

As much as I wanted to stay with her, she was right. We needed as much help as we can get. I started to head toward engine 3 to help Tony until I realized my form. My canine-self won't help much, I'm gonna have to shift back.

Time Skip

I noticed Rogers fighting off some armed man. A masked figure came up behind me, aiming his gun for my head. For a moment, I froze. Before you know it, I quickly gestured my hands to swipe him off his feet. I then tossed the gun and dragged him out to the edge of the damaged ship. I pushed him off, allowing him to free fall from the helicarrier back down to the surface. I watched the man fall, standing beside the star-spangled man. 

"Welcome back." 

"Thanks..." I reply with an apologetic look. The helicarrier began to tip as Cap lost his balance. Before falling off the edge, he grabbed onto a loose wire to save himself. I held onto the ship as I tried keeping balance. I reached out for Cap's hand, but turbulence disturbed my effort. Eventually, I was able to grab the captain's hand and pull him back on the ship. He held onto the wall as he began explaining the plan on getting the engine up and running again. All we had to do was wait for Tony's signal. Just then, another armed man began shooting at us both. 

"Stay here and wait for Stark's word, I'll take care of him," Cap ordered. He leaped over to where the enemy had been shooting from and fought. I pressed my finger to my ear, waiting for Tony's voice through the comms. All of my focus was taken away when a feeling of impalement took over. I quickly placed my hand over my chest. It ached as if someone had stuck a rod through my heart. I dropped to my knees as the sounds around me faded into that high pitched ring.

"Okay someone pull the lever," Tony spoke through the comms. No movement.

"Jess, pull it," Cap shouted as he threw punches effortlessly. My legs failed to hold me up as tears formed in my eyes. I could hear everyone talking to me, but nothing was processing. 

"Lever. Now." Tony grew impatient. The ship was starting to balance itself again. Cap glanced in my direction and called my name. Rogers was occupied. I still couldn't move. My whole body felt numb. Phil... I was immediately pulled away from my thoughts when I heard Tony's suit clinking around. I pulled on the red lever, freeing Tony. From the corner of my eye, I notice Tony fly into the guy Rogers had been dealing with, knocking him out instantly. Silence took over for a moment as I looked for a way in Coulson's mind. The tears in my eyes began rolling down my cheeks.  I could barely get a read, his thoughts were fading. I felt him take his last breath, resulting in me breaking the silence with a deafening scream, blue energy erupting from my body. The helicarrier shook under the incident but steadied itself in seconds. I couldn't help but sob. Both men were left confused until Fury made the announcement through our comms.

"Agent Coulson is down."

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