Brady Fuller, on the other side, had phased just recently. Dema had seen him around Sam a few times, so she knew what his wolf form looked like. She assumed he had officially joined the pack when the situation started. Sam was desperate enough to let a boy, as young as Seth, join— not to mention, with barely even any training whatsoever.

Dema wasn't worried about Brady, though. She could easily take him down. Jared, on the other side, wouldn't go down as easily.

She could hear her heart beating inside her head, as she rushed down a hill, jumping over a boulder, and nimbly landing by the river. She was barely even a blur, as she dashed down the river, with the two wolves just a few feet behind her.

Then, all of a sudden, Dema forces herself to skid to a halt. Her heart pangs against her chest with panic, as she realizes, she has reached a dead end. There's a cliff right about her, and she's surrounded by its walls. She mentally curses herself for choosing this path, just as she turns around to face Jared and Brady.

They barely even manage to stop themselves, before colliding against her. Jared immediately places himself in front of her, adopting a threatening position, as he slowly strides towards her. Dema growls at him, warning him not to come any closer.

He ignores her warning and keeps approaching her, cornering her. Brady stalks right behind Jared, cowering ever so slightly. All the while, Dema's desperately trying to remain calm, and not show any type of weakness. But, inside, she's freaking out. She's panicking and is frantically trying to come up with a plan to get out of there.

They've got her completely cornered.

Nowhere to go.

A cold boulder finally makes contact with her warm fur, as her hind legs reach the wall. A low, satisfying growl escapes Jared's lips. Brady straightens his spine with confidence, as they prepare to attack.

This is it, Dema thought. This is... how I'm going to die.

Dema closes her eyes and turns away, expecting to feel pain at any moment. The sudden idea of calling on the Wraith— trying to use her magic, once again— crosses her head, but she quickly dismissed it, knowing it wouldn't work. She would once again feel pain, no matter what.

Piercing, lethal pain.

But, a few seconds passed, and the pain never came.

Dema cracked an eye open, just as a blur came rushing towards the wolves. They whimpered, as their bodies hit the ground, hard. Dema blinked a few times, as the blur slowly took shape of a man. Not just any man, though.

Jasper Whitlock Hale.

He stood there, his chest heaving up and down, despite the fact that he didn't have the need for oxygen. He locked eyes with her, and his raging gaze turned into one of relief, and then into one of disappointment. He opened his mouth and then closed it— hesitating on whether to say something or not.

Their interaction was cut short, as Jared made his way back to his feet. He looked dazed, but that quickly turned into a look of pure rage. He growled loudly, as he made eye contact with Jasper. In a flash, Jared jumped up towards Jasper but was once again tackled down by someone else.

Jacob— in his wolf form— bit down on his neck, as he pinned him against the ground. Brady had managed to get back to his feet and didn't hesitate as he bit at Jacob's side, to get him off Jared. Jacob whimpered but didn't let go of Jared.

Dema didn't waste a second, as she darted at Brady and purposefully collided against his slim body. He crumbled to the ground, and whimpered, as Dema bit his sides, and clawed at her exposed stomach.

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