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Wednesday, 7:43 am.

Dema yawned as she stretched her arms over her head. It had been much too long since she had been in her human form. After her breakup, she had refused to shift back into her human form, afraid she wouldn't be able to control her own emotions and break down crying.

After all, she couldn't let her own problems distract her from the real issue, Bella's safety. She thought it would be easier for her to stay focused that way. Plus, that way she wouldn't risk bumping into Jasper. She stayed on the lookout, day and night, doing several perimeter-runs an hour, and avoiding entering the Cullens' at all costs.

But, nothing's ever that easy. She hadn't been able to get even an hour of sleep. Thoughts and memories roamed through her head, restlessly bringing back Jasper's words into her mind.

And as much as she tried to distract herself, nothing really worked.

Her heart was still aching from that night.

And her mind wouldn't let her forget about it.

Alice had tried to convince her to shift back into her human form and come inside the house for a chat. Even Rosalie tried to get her to go back inside, claiming Bella was asking for her. The werewolves' worried glances wouldn't help either. Seth and Leah shared knowing glances whenever she walked up to them, and Jacob scoffed at her sorrow.

Sick of it all, Dema decided to take a much-needed break. She headed into the forest, shifting back into human form, and putting her hair up in a ponytail. She groaned as she tried to detangle her long hair with her shaky fingers, quickly realizing how much she truly hated having long hair.

Jasper used to love it, though. He'd run his fingers through it, and kissed the top of her head, breathing in her scent. The first time he did it, Dema thought it was a little creepy, but to be fair, Jasper's a little creepy. Most people stay away from him because of that, but Dema always found it cute.

Dema groaned in frustration because once again, she found herself thinking about him. Missing him. It hadn't even been a week, and she was already feeling lost without him.

"He's just a stupid boy," She told herself through gritted teeth as she made her way deeper into the forest. "He's not allowed to have this much power over you. Ger a grip of yourself-"

The soft sound of water flowing downstream snapped her back to reality, and her eyes lit up with slight relief. It had been too long since she had even washed her face, and she refused to go inside the house.

She kept on walking for a few more seconds before finally reaching the river. She sighs in relief, right before kneeling down by the border and splashing water of her face. The cold water feels great against her warm skin.

She wipes water away from her eyes and takes a quick glance towards her reflection. Unsurprisingly, she looks sick; her skin's undeniably irritated and dry, with bags under her eyes. She sighs in annoyance, as she tries to rub away the bags under her eyes.

After a few frantic seconds of rubbing her skin, she groans and sits back on the ground in surrender. She takes a second to look around and quickly notices her surroundings are somewhat familiar to her. It takes her a few minutes to realize, this is where it all started.

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