Chapter Fifteen

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Dan's POV

I woke up early, alot earlier than I ever want to wake up. Slowly I push my arm out from under the covers into the cold atmosphere of the wold outside the covers, my hand grabs my phone and I unlock it. Squinting my eyes, at the sudden intense light which shone from the screen of my mobile, I saw the time at the top of the bright screen '9:23am' it read.

Normally I would stay in bed for hours just scrolling on my laptop but today I dragged myself straight out of bed and stretched out my arms letting my bones click. In no time I was down in the kitchen making myself some breakfast, I had remained silent the entire time. The house was in a total blanket of silence...well it was until Phil and Ryan woke up...

Phil's POV

"Ryan!" I squeal once we are downstairs "STOP IT!" Laughing loudly I stumble down the corridor, he is tickling my sides and he knows that is where im most ticklish. He keeps tickling and I keep giggling until we reach the kitchen. Dan. Dan was standing silently in the kitchen making himself a bowl of cereal.

"Dan. W-what are you..doing back?" I mumble, batting Ryan's hands off me so I could make my way across the kitchen to Dan. Once I reached him, I gently placed my hand on his shoulder but he shrugged it off. "Morning." he said in a bitter tone before pushing past me and Ryan to get out the kitchen.

My hand slowly went down to my side as I stood almost perfectly still. Tears were making their way down my pale cheeks. "...what have I done...?" I mumble as I sink down to the floor, hugging my knees to my chest.

A pair of hands sits on my shoulders and Ryan's voice whispers into the empty atmosphere; "You have done the right thing."

Dan's POV

By the point of me leaving the kitchen my face was flooded with fresh tears. Especially when I sat down on our settee, I placed the bowl down and cried into my hands. I've lost him...I've lost my Phil...He doesn't want me...Or need me...But I need him..I need him so much, it's unreal....Please love me Phil....Because I love you...

My ears picked up an almost silent sound of someone else's cries. They, obviously were Phil's. Part of me was happy he felt guilty but the rest of me wanted to walk in there and hug him...

...I wanted to tell him everything would be okay...but I can't lie to him...

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