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Wow it has been so long since I finished this story! And it still warms my heart to see so many of you guys enjoying it (:

Im currently working on a bunch of new phanfictions which are so much better than this one! I mean, I love this one because it was my first ever phanfiction but it has really bad vocabulary and grammar and what-not!

ALSO IM WRITING THIS BECAUSE I HAVE A NEW COVER FOR THIS PHANFICTION!!!! You have to thank ArtisticNarwhal for it!! It is literally amazing, thank you so much!! <3

Okay, that is about it aha xx
Thank you for reading my phanfiction x

-Connie <3
Hey everyone again!!!
I just wanted to let you know that I have a brand new phanfiction called With Their Eyes Filled With Stars! The writing and grammar is better than this one and the storyline is alot more clear! x)
It is a soulmates au and it would mean everything if you checked it out!

Okay that was all xx
-Connie <3

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