Chapter Thirteen

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~~About a week later~~

Dan's POV

My eyes were fixed on the tv and my hands glued to the controller as I sit playing Sonic, like usual.

Phil was in the room with me but we had barely spoken this past week. There was a horrible atmosphere whenever we were near each other. I didn't mean for it to happen. Of course I didnt. Just the thought of Phil being with someone else hurt me in ways I didnt even know I could be hurt.

He sat on the other end of the settee, scrolling through his laptop with his headphones on. You could tell by the way his blue eyes flickered, the way he chewed his lip ever-so slightly and the way his right eyebrow lifted every few moments, that he was concerntrating on something. Thats the weird thing about sharing a place with someone, you start to recognise the slightest change in their body which meant different things.

Out of nowhere I jumped up and threw the controller at the floor, so hard that it smashed "WHAT THE ACCTUAL FU-!" I exclaim loudly but before I could finish I got distracted by Phil, who had already begun to pick up the smashed bits of controller of the ground.

"Sorry Phil, the game just annoyed me. I will clean it up. You finish whatever you were doing" My voice is mumbled while I look down, feeling as though there was alot of tension building in the room.

However, Phil stood up and looked me straight in the eye. He was smiling, No. He was laughing?!? "Oh Dan! Why can't you just shout at the screen like a normal person!" At this I had to chuckle and answer "You know im not normal, Phil, that's why you love me! Isn't it?"

He nodded and for the first time in days, I felt his lips press against mine. "Im sorry Dan. I really am." Before I could answer he swirved out the room to but the controller in the bin.

~~Two days later~~
Phil's POV

I was sat alone in the lounge, dressed in my Pikachu onesie. Dan was out at a family dinner so I was alone for the night, which had its good and bad factors.

After I had kept myself occupied for a few hours the clock displayed that it was in fact 5pm. What could I do now? Pokémon. Its the solution to everything!

So I got up my favourite episode onto the TV, grabbed some popcorn and had just hit play when the doorbell rang. That's weird... I thought to myself ...No one was ment to be coming around...

However, I paused the tv and put down my bowl to.answer the door. There stood infront of me was Ryan and he looked even hotter than ever.

"R-ryan? What are you doing here..?" I say in a voice which is much quieter than my usual tone. "Hey Phil! Just thought to pop by! Still into Pokémon, I see!" He chuckled.

Suddenly my face flushesdbright red as I remember im standing there in my onesie. His hand brushed softly on my cheek, making my blush turn darker.

"W-would...yo-ou like to...come in?" Finally I managed to whisper and step out the way of the door. He stepped inside and wiped his black shoes on the mat. His outfit was very formal: A black blazer, black trousers, black shoes, white shirt and a thin black tie.

"Where have you been? Being dressed up all fancy like that!" I ask as I lead him through to the lounge to sit on the settee, I was trying to decrease the amount of awkwardness I felt in the room.

"Nowhere. Like I said, Im here to see you." Ryan said with the half-smirk he used to do. He then, out of his pocket, pulled a small single rose flower and held it out to me.

Carefully I took the flower stem between my fingers and cast my eye down to its beautiful red petals. "Ryan I..."

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