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Eliza's POV

We get the results of the vote.

"How did I lose?!" Zed asks shocked.

"I don't know, but I'm worried about (Y/n)." I tell him. We haven't seen (Y/n) since the wolves went back to their den.

"I'm worried about her too." Zed says.


(Y/n)'s POV

I help Willa and Wyatt give blankets to the pack members. Luna is near the werepups making sure they keep warm.

I see Zed walk into the Wolf Den and come up to the three of us. "They were wrong to destroy Seabrook Power, and I was wrong about werewolves." Zed says. "You have every right to fight for who you are."

"Yeah but what are we now, Zombie?" Wyatt asks.

"You're fierce, proud werewolves!" Zed says.

"Yeah, they think we're monsters." I tell Zed.

"We are monsters." Zed says, and I catch onto his plan.

I give Zed a shit eating grin. "Luna look after them for me okay?" I ask the wolf. She nods then comforts a coughing pup. "I told you this would be more fun!"

The healthiest wolves and I get dressed for crashing Prawn. We leave to go to Zombietown to get the Zombies. After they get dressed up, we head to the school.

We walk to the school entrance as a pink limo drives away.

"What's that?" Lacey asks.

"It's zombies." I hear Bucky say.

"And werewolves." Jacey adds.

"In formal wear?" Stacey concludes, but it sounds like a question.

"They look good." Lacey says.

"You guys can't be here. There are laws against this." Bucky protests and I roll my eyes.

"Really, Bucky?" I ask.

Bucky's head snaps to me, and he looks shocked. "(Y/n)?" He asks unsure.

"The one and only." I tell him with a smirk.

"Zombies are apart of Seabrook, Bucky." Zed says. "We deserve to be here."

"Bad laws were meant to be broken." Eliza adds.

"We're apart of Seabrook, too. The originals, in fact." Wyatt says.

I see Bucky look back at the Z-alarm. "Somebody's got to stop you." Bucky says, but before he could pull the alarm, Willa growls at him. He stops in his tracks, and stays quiet for a moment.

"Don't be a dick, Bucky." I tell my cousin making him, the Aceys, and the werewolves look at me in shock.

"Welcome to Prawn." He says reluctantly.

After Bucky goes inside, Willa starts coughing. Wyatt and I go to her and make sure she isn't too sick. Before we go in, I hear Wyatt ask a question.

"Is she always like that?" Wyatt asks the zombies quietly.

"Yeah." Eliza answers.

We go in. The pack and I stay together as Zed goes to talk and dance with my sister and Bonzo goes to Bree. As I'm watching my sister and one of my best friends dance, I feel someone grab my hand.

I look down at my hand before looking at who grabbed my hand. "Yes, Wyatt?" I ask.

"Wo-" He's cut off by the ground shaking.

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