Chapter 29 - Trouble in Paradise

Start from the beginning

I felt like an intruder listening to this. These were Lux's private thoughts. But even so, I couldn't afford to leave. This was my only chance to know what was wrong. To see if there was something I could fix!

"I hated him, I wanted him to suffer. I wanted him to feel as alone as I did. But as I watched him suffer. I just felt terrible. I felt like it was my fault that he got hurt, that he experienced so much pain." She started hitting the railing. " I hate that I just can't love Stryder! I hate that I can't just accept Donum!"

"Then stop running." Jack spat out.


"You're running. The only way you can move past this is to face it. Time doesn't heal wounds. What you do in that time does. And avoiding both of them isn't gonna solve anything now is it?"

She sniffled and slowly turned back to face him.

"I'm scared Jack. Everytime I look at Donum I just think about everything that happened. And Stryder..."

"One of the things I like about you Lux, is that You're brave. I know you can do this." I could see Jack moving closer to her."Just be honest with them. And you won't have to do this alone. I know I'm fairly new to the gang. But I'm here for you."

"Why? I've blown you off every time! Why are you doing so much for me?"

"I already told you didn't I? If Arthur hadn't believed in me, I wouldn't be here. And if I hadn't seen Icarus persevere through so much. Just to see people smile. I wouldn't know what being a hero really means. So I guess I want to be a hero too! Plus your kinda hot. That helps too."

"Oh my gosh!" I heard lux chuckled as she punched his shoulder. "And here I thought you were maybe an adult."

"Only physically."

"Thanks Jack, really. I think I'll take your advice. When I'm ready."

"Great, in the meantime. How about snow cones?"

"I'd like that." Lux replied.

"Technical first date?"

"Fine, I guess you can call it that."

"Yes!" Jack cheered.

I leaned against the concrete wall and just took it in. She's still beating herself up over this. I felt bad for eavesdropping, and I couldn't help but feel guilty for this either. No, I needed to stop this. I'm gonna be a hero people can believe in right? I'm gonna help save Annual right? There was no time for hating myself. My mom gave me this life. She gave me this chance. Annual sacrificed so I can be happy right? Then there's no reason I shouldn't be standing tall right now.

"I'm just not the hero for her right now." I whispered to myself.

I guess I'm not meant to fix everything. I looked up where they were standing. I guess I needed to do something else with my night.

The door slowly opened up to a surprised Valentina. I have to say. She looked really cute in her panda bear Pajamas.

"S-stryder? What are you doing here?" She inquired.

She folded her arms and leaned against her door frame.
"It's kinda late I know. But I wanted to know if you wanted to join me for a walk in the park. My sister's on a date and I don't want to interrupt. Plus Zack's out doing..."

She snickered.

"Probably illegal, and delinquent things?"


"Well, I'm not exactly happy to be a second choice. But I could use a break." She chimed.

"Great! I-I mean I'm sorry! Your not a second choice or anything. It's just I'm not used to hanging out with girls. Well wait, I mean I hang with Lux all the time but she doesn't count. She's not like a girly girl. I don't think I can handle that. Not to say your not!-"

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