Billionaire's Lover #2

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I pulled the clean sheets from the laundry basket, still warm, and quickly made my bed.

I stripped off all of my clothes, standing in my blue body bra and blue lacy panties, looking in the mirror at my roundness of my hips. I caressed them, pretending that they were Blake's hands, closing my eyes.

His hands rubbed my shoulders first, releasing the built-up tension. He held me gently in his arms, and then his hand touched my cheek, the fever rushing through my face.

I opened my eyes, looking at myself, I was practically naked.

"Would he do this if he was here and saw me standing like a fool, waiting for his touch?" I asked myself.

"Who was I fooling, a Greek God, not ever." I answered my thought. "I would be foolish to think otherwise."

Besides, he probably already has a girlfriend, some glamorous model, as rich as he was. Why would he be a fool and want to taste my sweetness, my negative thoughts? Why not just wait and see, don't be so hard on yourself, my positive thoughts offering some good advice.

My phone buzzes, instantly I grabbed it, "Hello," my mom said. Damn, I thought it was Blake who called.

"Girl, you answered on the first ring. That's the first. I have one of those monstrous headaches again. Just wanted to hear my little girl's voice," she muttered.

"Mama, have you taken anything yet?" I asked her.

"Yes, but nothing is helping. I miss you already. I know it's only been a month, but it seems like a thousand years. I wanted to talk to you. I went to your room and sat on the foot of the bed, and you were gone. So, I decided to call you," she answered.

I raised my head to the ceiling and rolled my eyes. It's a good thing she couldn't see me.

"You know we have talked about this a thousand times before I moved out. I am twenty-two years old, feeling like I am forty or fifty by being there." I stated, trying to collect my thoughts on convincing her. "I don't live there, I love where I live. If you are lonely and want some company. I'm sure your neighbor friend Mr. Diekson would be willing to visit you."

"He's not you," she continued, "how about some homemade blueberry pancakes, your favorite, don't you miss them hot off out of the skillet?"

"Listen, Mama, you know that I love them, but I can cook my own blueberry pancake. Remember you taught me how. I don't play with Barbie or Ken dolls anymore, I've outgrown dolls. I am older and can fiend for myself. I will visit real soon, okay. I love you very much, now try to get some rest, maybe your headache will go away."

"I love you too, Phoebe, just a motherly thing. I can't help from worrying about my babies," she announced.

"Now may I ask, oh yeah, what broke the camel's back?" I asked her. It was something we always shared, mother/daughter thing.

"Too much hair on the ass," she responded with laughter.

"Right, so don't be broken hearted. I am busy, putting a few clean clothes away, just got through making my bed. I am not running out the door into a frozen blizzard in the middle of the night. And, I ain't building a snowman," I muttered jokingly.

"Fine Lulu," a nickname she called me.

"You are the cause of my head full of pepper," meaning grays in her black hair.

"I think you only love me when you want something," she remarked, reminding me of her mother.

"Yes, I love you, I just want you to stop worrying over nothing. Give me a break, I have just met heaven," oops that slipped out.

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