Chapter 7: "Dinner time"

Start from the beginning

"Hey Sam, your mom told me to come get you for dinner." I smiled awkwardly, and Sam nodded in greeting.

"Hi Izzie, sorry, we were just talking about sex." Sam said looking up from his desk, although Paige didn't appreciate Sam's overshare.

"Sam!" Paige all but screeched through the laptop screen, I couldn't hold in my chuckle, although I wish I did because Paige started having a go at me through the laptop.

Sam promptly shut his laptop and turned back to me.

"Why do you have an ice pack." He asked me puzzled.

"Long story." I said briskly, and led the way downstairs.

Sam asked what was for dinner, as we walked down the stairs. He seemed pleased when I told him it was lasagna.

To be honest Sam has grown in me, he is smart, funny and an incredibly talented artist. If I ever got a tattoo I'd probably ask him to design it, not that I'm getting a tattoo anytime soon.

I jumped back on the couch next to Casey and placed the ice pack on her fist, carefully as to not hurt her.

She winced a little bit, and I kissed her knuckles softly which seemed to relax her hand.

"Thanks." She said scooting closer to me on the couch.

"I should be the one thanking you." I pushed her playfully, keeping my voice low since Sam and Elsa where in the other room.

"What are we gonna do." Casey asked looking defeated, a new look for her since she was always so confident.

"We can't do much." I said stroking her hair, she turned to me angrily.

"He can't get away with what he almost did to you." She said seriously "and what he probably did to my dad's car."

"Let's.... talk about this in your room later." I eyed to Casey and she caught my drift. Because she soon shut her mouth, and carried on watching cartoons whilst I held the ice pack to her hand.


"Where's dad." Sam asked taking his seat at the dinner table.

"I think he's uhh.. working late probably." Elsa said hiding the disappointment in her face with a smile. Although I knew that look, since I've been bailed on enough times to recognise it.

"Why the long face Case?" Elsa asked Casey as she dished out the lasagna, and we took our seats at the table.

"Nothing." Casey said scooting her chair forward, I guess she didn't feel like taking to her.

The rest of the dinner was uneventful, just casual chit chat. An occasional leg brush from Casey, making me blush like a tomato.

Casey's hand rested on my bare thigh, since I was wearing shorts. Her touch was like fire sometimes, leaving behind a trail of destruction. I felt my face burn bright red.

"Izzie are you hot?" Elsa asked confused, Casey burst out laughing, spitting up the water she just sipped. Elsa looked at us both puzzled "god, it's like you two have your own secret language." She said disregarding us at once, I frowned at Casey and she carried on laughing.

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