Part 19: Why Do you Love me?

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"Forgive me for (C/N) is not very social. She be more on the skittish side, da?" Russia said as he began patting her head from behind him as he stared down and smiled upon her. She only clung to his pant leg more. I would have been too if I lived with such a scary man.

"No, no Russia I apologize for my nervous boys. It is quite strange though. It is a normality for Canada to be this way, but this quite unusual for America to behave in this manner." England noted, placing a hand of my and Canada's'head . "Why don't you boys go over and say hi to the young lady?"

I looked up into England's eyes then back to (E/C), took a breath and began to walk over to where she stood, knowing Canada was much too shy. With each step to took my face became warmer and when I reached her it was as if my face was on fire.

"H-hi" I stuttered out and stretched my hand out for her. "I-I'm Amer-ica."

"(C/N) ," She whispered out. Shakily however, she extended her hand into mine.

"Why don't you three go and play off somewhere while Russia and I have a chat about a few things?" England asked. Russia smiled as we three made our way out of the room we were in. I was still holding onto (C/N)'s soft, smaller hand while Canada was holding onto my arm . The whole time I could feel Russia's eyes bearing into the back of my head.

I didn't know it at the time, but there was a motive behind England as to why he pushed me and Canada to meet (Y/N) that day. Of course I was a lot older when I figured out the truth.


"England, what's the meaning of all this?!" I screamed as I held up a few documents from England's study.

"Why the bloody hell were you in my study America!? You have no business to be in there!" England protested from across the room.

My head dipped and my bangs covered my eyes while my arms still held up the small bunch of papers. "Is it true, England?" I asked, my voice becoming deep as the room fell silent. He didn't say anything for or against it, only he dipped his head in silence. I didn't need an answer I already had it.

I couldn't stand it, so I did the only thing that felt right in that moment. I crumpled up the documents and threw them on the ground in front of my feet. "It was all part of some diabolical plan huh?! You set us up! You wanted us to betray her, to destroy here, and for what?! For you to swoop in and pick up the pieces after her country is in ruins?!"

England didn't pick up his head. He didn't do or say anything. All he could do was silently cry as I shouted more. "Answer me!"

There was mumbling among himself, but it was too quiet for me to catch any of it. "Well?!" I shouted, causing the Brit to flinch before he picked his head up slowly to look my strait in the eyes with his red and puffy ones.

"What do you want me to say America." He spoke up, softly and weak.

"I want to know is this really true! Tell me that it was a lie! It wasn't real!" I had to pause as my vision became blurry with tears and I could begin to fell myself shake. My head fell as I murmured the last of my words. "Tell me that you didn't plan to conquer (C/N)."

Again, the room fell silent. Not a word was to be said as agreeing or disagreeing with my statement other than England hanging his head again.

"Why?" I hissed out, my body beginning to shake with anger once more. "Why?!"

"I had to America. The opportunity was too good to pass up." England muttered.

"What opportunity was there?! She's controlled by Russia! How is that anywhere near a good opportunity?!" I hated that fact. (C/n) being controlled by Russia. She deserved to be free. Free from the grubby hands of Russia, from the world. I wanted more than anything to besides her and I can't! Not with Russia there. He's never approved of me.

deal: Yandere America x  Country Reader x GermanyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ