Chapter One- The New Plan

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Angrily Ryan walked down the hall towards his office.  In his hand he carried a manila file folder.  Another casualty of Amanda’s games.  At his desk he threw the folder down, and then sat in his chair.  Grabbing the folder he mindlessly flipped through it.  They had been attacked again; the sixth time in a month, and a tenth agent had died during the battle.  They kept trying but they could just not quite get ahead of her.

                Amanda had declared open war on the heads of Division- Nikita, Alex, Sean, Ryan and Michael.  She kept threatening to take them out and while she had not been able to get to them, she had killed a bunch of their agents trying to get through to her.  Division had to do something- but the question was what.  How could they ensure their safely and the safety of all their agents when their primary job was so violent.

                Michael walked into his office.  “Hey Ryan, what’s up?”

                As Michael sat down, Ryan began to explain the situation. "As you’ve probably notices, we have been having a run of bad luck with Amanda trying to get to us.”

                Michael nodded along.  “Yeah.”

                “We have to figure out what to do.” Ryan commented.

                “She’s after us. “ Michael acknowledged.  “We have to find a way to get the other agents out of the crossfire.”

                Agreeing, Ryan shook his head.  “Exactly.  But we can’t put ourselves in the position of getting hurt either.”

                “I’m not sure what to do.  I’m not sure how we can accomplish this.  If we’re in plain view she’ll kill us.  The agents would be okay, but we would be dead.”

                Michael could practically see the light bulb go off over Ryan’s head.  “That’s it.” He practically shouted, “We have to be in plain sight, but untouchable.”

                Scratching his head, Michael had no idea what Ryan meant.  “What?”

                “Celebrities.” Ryan simply replied, a grin crossing his face.  “If we are celebrities, they can’t touch us, but we’re in plain view.”

                Still not buying it, Michael replied, “But you can’t force celebrity.  It would still be a matter of getting in good graces with the general public- and that’s not generated.”

                “Remember the video we shot?  To have proof of what we are, just in case the government attacks us?”

                Michael thought back to the strange occurrence.  When the government had once again threatened their demise, they put together a video showing exactly what Division was, threatening to release it if the government threatened them.  The way it had been shot they could use it as a movie.  As celebrities they would have to worry about fake IDs anyway o no one would know the video would be their real identities.  “We would lose our leverage and we would expose our real identities.”

                “It’s not like there is anyone to recognize us.  All your family is dead, all Nikita’s family.”

                “You mom is alive.  Sean has sisters.” Michael pointed out.  “And this won’t work without me, you, Nikita Alex, Sean and Birkhoff going along with it.”

                “We may have to take the chance and reach out to them.  Make sure they don’t blow our cover.” Ryan responded.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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