No Shell (Part 2)

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Richelle POV

After I leave the studio for home, I can feel teardrops getting out of my eyes. Gosh, why am I even surprised? It's not like he showed any interest in me or my well-being at all. All he does is caring about himself and his crushes. I shouldn't be surprised and I'm not. I'm just heartbroken. When did it turn out to be all like this?
The only guy I really felt something for, doesn't even care about me. Not one bit. How pathetic can I be?
Now here I am, crying. I'm pretty sure that if Michelle and Emily saw me, they wouldn't think I'm emotionally stiff at all. I'm a disaster.
I've had feelings for Noah for a long time now. Almost from the moment I walked in the studio and saw him dancing. It's easy for me to notice when a person is hard-working and serious about what they want and I could totally see that in him. I guess that's why I started feeling attracted to him in the first place... But over the years I couldn't completely get over him. Not even when I dated Elliot. It only grew.
Now, I think I never really expected Noah to reciprocate those feelings but at least I expected him to be a real friend. There was a time when I thought he was the only friend that I had... But at the end of the day, all I have is dancing. I don't have friends. I don't have Noah. Not even Emily is the way she used to be with me. Dance is all.
What is going to happen to the duet? Well, if you know me well, then you know that I'm not going to let this stop me. Noah wants another partner? TOO BAD. I worked for this and I'm not accepting less than what I deserve. I might be broken, but never stupid.
I'll just get home, take a shower, sleep and tomorrow will be a new day.
I get home and text Noah.
"Don't forget to let me know what time I have to be at the studio."
SEND. Hopefully, tomorrow things will be better. We'll rehearse, show Michemily the duet and they'll like it so we don't have to change it. And finally get this partnership with Noah done.
I hear my phone buzzing.
"Be there at seven. We need to talk too."
I am not going to answer and I'm certainly not going to talk to him about anything aside from dance. So I block my phone and continue with what I was doing.
My phone buzzing again. Ugh.
"You there?". Noah again.
"See you tomorrow at seven." I write.
"Ok. Good night" he says.
Then I get another message. From Noah. This guy wants me to kill him.
"No 'good night' message?"
I turn my phone off before getting another message from him or anyone.
Then I go to sleep.
Before I can think of it, I'm crying again. Stupid feelings. You should have disappeared a long time ago. Why do you stay with me?
No matter what. I'm gonna be OK. I am.

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