No Shell (Nochelle)

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Noah's POV

It's been a couple of days since I decided that I will leave the studio once regionals are over. It took a lot of me to make that decision and to be honest, I've been very distracted these days.
I'm constantly thinking. "Thinking of what?" You may wonder. Of how much I'm going to miss the studio, you would say. But no. Then, I'm thinking about how much I'll miss Jacquie, you may think. Again, no. That's what is shocking me the most. I'm thinking of how much I'll miss HER. I'll miss Richelle. RICHELLE.
She's always been part of my life for sure, but this last days we haven't been the closest friends. Well, it's been the last weeks actually. Ok, let's be real, it's been almost a year. We barely interact since last year when I tried to replace her with Jacquie in the duet. How stupid of me! I guess I tend to forget that, even though Richelle is not really emotionally open, she DOES feel.
Anyway, right now we're both at studio A rehearsing the ballet duet. Chloe has left like an hour ago and Richelle and I decided to stay to polish every detaile. We dance almost flawlessly together... But we don't connect. Remember last year when I said that we didn't connect in our duet? I wasn't even trying to connect with her... But now I can't do it even when I'm trying too hard. I try to look at her eyes but I feel like she saw through me. Like I'm made of glass. Whenever we have a break, we don't talk to each other and if we do, it's only about the dance.
I can't take it anymore. I miss her.
We finish the dance perfectly as always and we separate.
- Good Noah, I think it's ready.
- I don't think so... - I say.
- Nah, It's perfect.
- It's not - I say.
- Noah, it's late, we should go home, the duet is perf...
- I'm the dance captain and I'm saying we have to keep working on it. - I state with a little of emphasis. I know that Richelle takes dance captaincy very seriously, probably more than I do.
- Ok. What is the problem with the duet then? - She says quietly but with a questioning look.
- Well, I think we should work on our connection.
Her expression changes when she hears my comment.
- Don't get me wrong - I say. - I'm not blaming you...
- Who is it this time Noah? Would you rather dance with Summer? Or is it Jacquie again? - I can feel sarcasm in her words.
- I don't want to change partn..
- O my God, I thought we were past that... - she says raising her voice a little.
- We are, you're not list...
- I can't believe it Noah, to think we really were friends before!
Stop. WHAT?
- What do you mean "were"?
- It's not that complicated Noah...
- It is for me, I thought we still were friends.
- Oh, sorry for not guessing that you still cared about our friendship, I should have noticed that we were still friends specially that time when you tried to replace me with Jacquie! Or that time you called me a "traitor" when I was trying to save the studio from Miss Angela and you never apologized. Or that time that you favoured Summer over me even when you know I've worked so hard since I was in J-Troupe. How didn't I notice we were friends? How stupid of me!
- I do care about our friendship!
- Yeah, well, don't quit dance because you're terrible at "caring". There, I said it to your face, in contrast to you that never told me I had problems with showing emotion.
Man. I feel like I failed to disconnect a bomb that I didn't know was going to explode.
- I'm really sorry, Chelle. Really, I...
- It's Richelle for you. - she says, now quietly. - Look, I'm leaving, if you want us to keep working on the duet I can come earlier than usual tomorrow.
I don't answer at all. I know that all she said is true. I'm a complete failure as a friend.
She grabs her stuff and leaves before saying goodbye. And I'm just left there, standing, thinking.
I can't leave A-Troupe with Richelle like this. I'm going to fix it.

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