Chapter 11

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[Lisa's POV]

We immediately set ourselves to our hotel rooms. We preferred solo rooms for each of us so we could have our own personal space. Though I badly wanted to be with Jennie but that would be a crazy idea and I might not gonna be able to stop myself too.

After setting our things, Jisoo and Rosie bid goodbyes to us as they were also having their own plans for this trip. Of course, that would me plenty of time for me to spend with Jennie.

"I got a crazy idea, Lisa!" She said upon entering my room. She's wearing a track pants and a cropped shirt. Making me feel a sudden warmth within my body. Jisoos, why does she have to be so sexy?

I gulped a lump in my throat as I try to act normal in front of her even though I'm honestly drooling over her luscious body.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I'm gonna be tossing this coin, if it's heads then you have to take to a romantic date tonight" she giggled which I find cute.

"And if it's tails?" I asked trying to steady my gaze to her feline eyes. I refrain myself from looking below since it will just mean for me to make some unacceptable fantasies.

"Then you can ask me anything" she replied with her gummy smiles.

"Anything?" I grinned from ear to ear as I was getting some crazy ideas running throughout my head..

"Anything..." her voice sounded even sexier to me. God, please.

"Yea?" I walked closer to her while wrapping my arms around her bare skin.

"So what will be your wish?" I asked seductively.

"Have sex with me"

[Jennie's POV]

I felt my hot blood rushed throughout my body as I feel her gentle touch onto my bare and inviting skin. I know what she's thinking exactly right now. I know those crazy ideas in her mind even before she say it. How did I know? It's when her eyes darkened as she lean closer to me.

"Deal" I replied seductively though I'm nervous as hell. I never had sex with anyone especially to another girl but somehow I felt so ready when I saw how she's lusting on me.

I turned my back to her making her backhug me, her lips are brushing onto my sensitive neck and I swear my knees are starting to weaken.

I tossed the coin and catched it between my palms.

"Are you ready?" I asked her before opening my palms.

"Whenever you are" she replied with a very sexy and inviting voice.

I slowly opened my palms. Whatever will be the result of this, then I must be ready.

"Heads!" I squealed upon seeing the coin flipped to heads. I won!

"Aish!! I think you cheated!" She yelled causing me to laugh. She's so cute.

"I think this only means that it isn't time for a sex yet" I teased before trailing off to the door of her hotel room. "I'll just change to dress for our romantic dinner" I winked at her before leaving.

I rushed back to my room and immediately went to the shower. Cold shower is what I need right now.

I slowly undressed myself and soaked to the dripping water from the shower. I don't know what gets into me but I suddenly found my naughty hands touching myself. It's not that it is my first time to do this kind of thing but the sensation I'm feeling right now is oozing in hotness to add that I was literally imagining that it is Lisa who's touching me.

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