meaning of words

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this may sound stupid, i know, but what i want to talk about is the meaning of 'offensive' words or words which you need to be careful.

kind of words -
mental disorders; (anorexia, bulimia, depression, anxiety...)
intolerances; (racism, homophobia...)
basically words you need to be careful when using.

a few days ago, my friend told me something which happened in her class that day. it was about a girl who has blonde hair. her teacher yelled at her, saying she should stop talking and being annoying. the teacher also said that he doesn't understand how that doesn't go into her blonde head (basically saying indirectly she's dumb because she has blonde hair??). well when my friend told me that, i was like, i mean yeah that sucks but it's still kind of funny. then my friend continued telling me that she was saying things like 'that's racist' and the way i gasped. i mean, like, did she just used the word 'racist' saying he's racist because he yelled at her making an inappropriate 'joke'.

somebody tell her that, that wasn't racist. i mean i don't really care about her, but using words for something like this? maybe she thought it's discriminating and doesn't like it, but uhm it's just a hair color? she doesn't get discriminated for having blonde hair. people out there get discriminated for having another religion, skin color etc, but not for having blonde hair. this cringed me so hard i don't even know.

another example is the word 'anorexia' -

i saw people using this word for underweight people. uhm that's not how it works. anorexia is having a serious disorder which can lead people to death. it's not 'easier' than being overweight or obese. i feel like people don't take being underweight as serious as being obese which is a huge problem. so the word referres to people which have a strict meal plan, fear of gaining weight, and also want to be thin. not only thin people do have this disorder, but also healthy or overweight people can have this disorder. it's basically meaning to have the desire to be extremely skin, and do starve themselves. some of them also exhaust their bodies by sports of the desire to be skinny. also if somebody wants to be underweight, it doesn't certainly mean, they are anorexic. this is also a disorder as anxiety and depression, which need to be diagnosed by a professional.

for every mental disorder, eating disorder ..., you can't say, i have this and that. no, please just don't do that. because of these people disorders aren't taken serious, what is also a big problem. go to professional in that area

personall, i don't have an eating disorder like anorexia so i don't exactly know how these people think about themselves.

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