Chapter 1: Running.

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A/N: Hiya guys,

This is my first one direction Fan-fiction ever, and I hope you all truly like it. Please correct me on any mistakes and feedback would be much appreciated. :) Oh and pretty please no hate, because this is my first time writing something like this and I'm not sure if it will be any good or not and whether to carry this on, so yeah.

p.s Please dont copy my story, i have worked very hard on it! Thank you xx

thank you xx ox


I don't think I have been more scared.


It feels like my heart's in my throat. My pulse is rapidly rising, I'm sure of it! Everything around me is silent and still, everything but me.

I need to move, like now! I am not going to let him catch up with me, never!

''Flo? Flora, where are you? come out come out where ever you are!''

Urgg, just the sound of his voice creeps me out. It sends shivers up my spine. And definitely not in the good way! I skittered towards a small alleyway and practically threw myself against one of the cold brick wall, in deep desperation to hide from him.


My head killed, it was throbbing like crazy, I could hardly stand and I was felt like collapsing right there on the spot.

Calm, focus. Right just breath, I will be ok. I always find away out right? The answer is yes. I do, and that means that I will do this time as well.


I quickly opened my bag to see what I had to survive on;

A banana

And....... Drum roll please........

A pair of leggings......

And that was it. No money no nothing. What was I thinking?

Don't answer that!

The sound of echoing foot steps cut short my train of thought. Thank the Lord, they sounded like they were getting more distant..... Maybe he had lost me, couldn't find where I was, or maybe he just gave up. Maybe I was just lucky.

Suddenly I remembered i was still sitting in this dark ally place, and for the first time since I had entered it, I looked up and took in all my surroundings.

Oh gee.

Girls, around my age and maybe a bit older lined the long, dark alleyway dressed in tight Lycra dresses and 6 inch heels. Their make-up was caked on so much, that I'm pretty sure it added an inch to their faces.

They pretty much all looked the same. I mean to summon it up they all looked like slags. Not to be offensive or anything.......

But then it clicked, jeez I was slow! They we're all waiting there because, well they we're like me, I guess?

They were in a really sticky situation, and needed all the help they could get?

They were prostitutes........ 

My hands started to shake from the cold of the night. I had no money, no food and defiantly no friends that I could rely on. There was so many possibilitys i could go with, but the only one i could think of at my moment of desperation, was the one that was right under my nose.

To join the girls lined up against the wall.........

I wasn't just about to do what I thought I was, was I? This definitely is not going to be like one of my normal every day decisions. But, then again, I wasn't your everyday girl either.

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