I chuckled, "Okay, Romeo, help me cut these bell peppers."

Aiden pulled out a cutting board and a knife, slicing the red vegetable evenly.

Once we were both sitting at the table with our breakfast steaming from hot plates, we each grabbed a knife and fork.

Aiden was the first to finish. Until I found him attempting to take a bit of my omelette, I assumed he was full. I called him out on his attempt, but all he seemed to gain was the confidence to try again.

I yanked my plate away from him, out of his grasp, but he set his determined eyes on my half-eaten omelette as if I was the one robbing him.

"Are you going to eat the rest of that?" He chewed on his bottom lip.

I sipped my coffee. "No."

"Can I ha-"

"No." I laughed, placing the eating utensils next to the food.

"But you aren't even eating it. It'll just sit there... wanting to be eaten. You just took its whole life purpose away. You should feel ashamed." He lifted his chin.

After a while, I eventually gave in and let him have it. In a blink of an eye, it was gone. I giggled into the cup as he basically swallowed it whole.

We had spent the whole morning talking long after we finished our breakfast. He carried the plates and cups to the kitchen and then we both met back in my room.

I was laying on the covers with my computer in my lap when he walked in and took his seat next to me.

"What are you doing?"

"I was thinking we could watch a movie."

"What kind?"

"I don't know... do you have any favorites?"

"Not really." He shifted on his side and fluffed the pillow before plopping his head on it. "Do you have any snacks?"

"I have some in the cupboard but they're Myra's, why?"

"It's a truth universally acknowledged that one must be provided snacks while watching a movie."

I recoiled. "Did you just quote half of the Pride and Prejudice opening line to me?"

"I may have seen it when flicking through your books yesterday." He jumped up from the bed. "I'm off to get snacks."

When Aiden returned, he was carrying all of Myra's snacks in his arms. He dropped them all on the bed and singled out a packet of candy that he broke in half with his teeth.

He tilted the bag in my direction so I'd do the same.

"So, what are we watching?" He asked.

"A Disney movie."

He looked at me, suddenly repulsed and I burst out into laughter.

"What? Do you have a thing against Disney movies?"

"They're dreadful. They sing and dance in a way that is completely unreal. Worse, they all share the same overused ending." He sighed and shoved a chip into his lips.

My mouth dropped, wondering how someone couldn't like the simple cheer of colorful animated movies. "Are you serious?"

He nodded and, at that moment, I decided to put one on despite his opinions.

"No, you are not putting one on!" He laughed and reached for my laptop but I was quicker and held it over the edge of my bed where he couldn't get to it.

"Oh, yes I am," I claimed and clicked onto the colorful cover, starting the movie.

"I'm not sharing my candy with you, then." He placed a red gummy bear into his mouth, holding the bag close to his chest.

As the movie began to play all I could hear was Aiden crunching on chips and candy. He wasn't at all interested in the small talking drawings, but I wasn't bothered by it. I was far too excited to see my favorite characters singing.

When the film ended, Aiden paused the rolling credits and pointed at the screen. "See? She ends up marrying the guy. Nothing new."

"What about this one?" I point to another movie cover in hopes that he'll be more inclined to watch it.

"You won't let this go, will you?"

"Absolutely not." I grinned, intent on proving him wrong.

Clicking on the movie, I stole a piece of candy from him. He was dramatically offended like I'd just cut off his arm.

We spent the entire day laying on the bed, watching as many Disney movies as we could cram into the day. We played all of my favorites, and I sang all of their songs as Aiden sat and watched me do so, amused as ever.

I wasn't sure if he was enjoying or hating every second of it, but he seemed genuinely fascinated to have eaten all of Myra's chocolate.

Eventually, after hours of laughing and eating even more food, Myra texted me, informing me that she was only a few blocks away from the apartment.

My face sunk, disappointed that the weekend Aiden and I had just spent together was coming to an end so suddenly. I didn't want him to go. I wished I could spend more time with him. I wished time could be reversed so we could do it all over again. But I couldn't, and Myra was closing in on us with every passing second.

"What's wrong?" Aiden sat up, pausing the movie halfway.

"Myra's on her way home." I turned off my phone and placed it beside me.

"Oh." Aiden pushed the candy wrappers off his lap. "I should probably get going, then."

The sinking feeling descended deeper as Aiden stood from the bed.

"I think you've murdered my soul with so many of those musicals." He scrubbed his face while a deep chuckle rumbled through his chest.

I accompanied him to the door, pulling it open and holding it there, hoping Myra would tell me she was turning back around or going to stay at Lars', anything to give us a sliver of more time.

"I wish you didn't have to go," I thought to myself.

"Emma?" Aiden's full voice pulled me out of my head. "I had a lot of fun with you this weekend. Thank you for that."

"Do you really have to go?" I said aloud.

"You said so yourself, Myra is on the way. And we agreed..." He trailed off, not needing the ending of that sentence to get his point across.

"I know." I sighed.

"Hey," He lifted my chin and I greeted that bright smile of his. "We'll see each other tomorrow, okay? We have Aubrey's dinner."

"Oh, right." I rubbed my temple with my thumb.

"I will see you there, right?"

I nodded, and that appeared to be a satisfactory response for him. He then grasped the door handle and gently proceeded to close it, but not before kissing me.

"Good night," He smiled.

A few moments later, his loud car left the street and Myra pulled in, waving goodbye to all her friends and Lars.

The Fate Of Broken HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now