"Tobias! My beautiful gay baby! How are you my guy?" Ray answered and I couldn't stop my eye roll.

"I'm fine, my dad just left to California to help my uncle, what are you up to? Come over let's build a fire,"

The dead air made me take a look at my phone to see if the call had dropped, but the sound of Ray sucking in his breath through his teeth was a dead giveaway that somehow nothing is gonna go my way today.

"Look my little rainbow ribbon, I am unable to follow through with this year's tradition, I'm kinda~ sorta~ out of town till a week after school is back in,"

I simply blinked, of course, why would he tell me earlier?

"Ummm, Raymond, may I ask what in the fuck, my guy?"

"Sorry bro, I meant to tell you but it always slipped my mind till you called, Cyrus and his family have been preparing for this for a month now,"

Damn, well I guess there really goes a whole ass other tradition. I can't be too mad, but I am hurt, this man literally tells me the most random news before it comes out and he didn't even tell me we wouldn't be hanging out at all at all, during our winter break.

"It's alright, have fun man, merry Christmas, " and just like that I hung up the phone, I didn't want to hear his response to be honest. I'm sure he'll text me on Christmas, damn. I really can't believe it.

You know what, it's not time to dwell, it's time to bring in the season! Just like that I rushed to the garage and began pulling out the storage bins of Christmas decorations we have. Put the tree box by the loveseat in the living room, outdoor decorations by both front and back door, and indoor smack dab in the middle of the hallway. Can't wait to trip on that later. Now that everything is prepped, time for the good ol playlist, beginning with the Nightmare Before Christmas soundtrack, such a classic.

Time seemed to fly by as I set up the tree, baked some cookies, and began the indoor decoration party. The consistent doorbell ring pulled me out of work mode, it must be the neighbors or something. I opened the door and everything felt like it was in slow motion once again. Lo and behold in all of his glorious 6 foot 4 stature, the apple to my eye, Luke Hale. The grin on my face spread miles wide and I instantly tackled him into the snow, making him drop the luggage he carried on his arm. He laughed, oh how I missed hearing that laugh face to face, how I missed his smoo- wait what?

"You're growing a beard?!" I gasped, running my fingers along the stubble that adorned his face. His hand clasped over mine and he kissed the bottom of my palm making my heart soar and my ears burn.

"It's a tradition of mine to grow it out till the new year," he responded.

"You have Christmas traditions too?"

"As much as I could have in my household," he chuckled, patting my bottom letting me know I gotta get up. I gave him a chaste kiss before I got up and grabbed one of his bags.

"Come on in! I have cookies already made, and I just started putting up the inside decor, if you'd like to help,"

"I'd love to," he whispered into my ear before nipping at the love making me bite my lip hard. Christmas is a time for pure joy, rebirth, and innocence, but here comes Satan whispering seductive words, this Christmas is gonna be a struggle.

We dropped off his bags in my room, of course, made out for a little bit, and as he got changed I began making abuelitas hot chocolate to warm us up from that snow pile. A few moments passed before his beefy toned arms slid their way around my waist and his chin rested on my shoulder. I could hear his deep breath in, and the slow release warming my shoulder and tickling the base of my neck.

"Smells delicious little bear," he hummed as he began swaying us to 'Baby it's cold outside' in the background. The sudden low sound of his baritone voice had consumed me and I felt as if I was melting as he sang to me, of course I had to tag along and sing Esther's part.

The smile still has yet to leave my face since his arrival, and we already drank our hot chocolate, ate some cookies and finished the indoor decorations. Once we finished those, we decided to leave the outdoor ones for tomorrow, along with a planned snowball fight, and snowman creation competition. So for now, we're snuggled on the couch in matching Christmas themed socks he bought while he was in Denver, isn't he so damn cute?!

"How was your trip, I thought you were coming back in four days?" I asked as I began tracing my fingers along his juicy pectoral.

"I quickly solved the matter, so I could spend more time with you," There he goes again, making my heart flutter endlessly.

"I'm glad you came back, John gave me your diploma to give to you, how does it feel to be a high school graduate?"

He simply shrugged, "It's pretty much the same, just an additional paper to my name, were you the only one he told?"

"Yeah, I haven't told anyone else either, but let me go grab it so we can ogle the little piece of paper together," he loosened his hold on me, and I kissed his cheek before rushing over to my room and straight to my backpack. I slid the piece of paper from my book to his so that way he could see we both graduated in one book. I kinda feel nervous for some odd reason, but I quickly shook the nerve away and scampered back over to Luke, who laid peacefully on the couch.

"Mmmmm, hey handsome, did you ask for, this, little book for Christmas this year?" I winked and he simply rolled his eyes and pulled me back onto the couch with me between his legs.

"I believe I might have, let's take a look inside, shall we?" He responded grabbing the diploma from my hand and opening it up. "Oh? What's this?" He asked as he traced his fingers over my name.

"I've been talking to John in regards to graduating early with you since a bit before the fall break, and he agreed and gave me all the work and extra papers I had to do in order to graduate, and next thing you know, I finished it a week before we got out for this break," he kissed the back of my head before squeezing me into a tight hug.

"My dear, little bear, I'm so proud of you for working hard to meet your goal,"

"Thanks, Pickle, I'm so happy that we get to have moments like these, and now many more now that school is out of the way,"

He stayed quiet after that, but continued to hold me tightly to him, not that I'm complaining, I'm thrilled through the roof right now. We ended up having a Santa Claus movie marathon, and ordering take out for dinner. The night was perfect, I can't wait to spend more time with my favorite person during my most favorite season of all.

To be continued...

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