"Noted. Guess what? I got us tickets to go see the Red Sox play the Dodgers for next weekend," he perked, the smile crept up on my face. What have I done to deserve such a considerate boyfriend? Someone who's so deeply and utterly for me, and who has the biggest heart of all. It's difficult to not see myself as unworthy of such affection and thought.

"That's amazing, I can't wait to see the game with you," I grinned, he then went on talking about the Dodgers and all of the statistics on the players. He ended the phone call once his dad called for him, my heart ached for him. I slid my phone into my pocket and looked around the rustic small café with potted plants scattered about, making it seem more nurturing. Why is this place so empty though? The door was just left unlocked, with that I took a few steps back towards where I came. Getting the cops called on me for a b & e, was not on my to-do list this year. Just as I stepped out of the quaint little hole in the wall, my phone went off once more, but the caller sent my entirety into mortification. It was my father.

"Luke speaking,"

"Come to the main office now," he demanded with a click.

Could this day be any more draining? He's lucky I am a brisk five minute walk from the main building. I wonder what he has to say, I can't recall any big situations or sudden deal changes, so he's not going to scold me as per usual. Once I stepped into the elevator I felt like I was closer and closer to my doom, perhaps it's because of our known history of me being his most reliable (though he'd never admit that) disappointment around. I couldn't decide whether or not I should keep my tie close to my neck or loosen it to keep air flowing and my blood pressure low. Then again, the man is a perfectionist, therefore my noose is set on my neck, ready for when he wants to kick the board under my feet. I stood in front of his office door for a minute in attempts to get ahold of myself, I could feel the pity stare of his secretary. Always the nicest one in his building, everyone else seems like a robot.

"Mr. Hale, Luke is here to-" the doors flew open and there stood my old man, standing at Toby's height of 5' 9" with silver streaks in his hair and a stern look on his face.

"Lucas, my boy-" fuck, shit, he's pissed, he never says that "- come on in, there's much to discuss." I looked over at his secretary who shrugged in shock. I took a big gulp and stepped into the dragons keep, flinching once the doors slammed themselves shut.

"Have you heard from either of your siblings, they seem to be dodging my calls?" He asked, I refrained from snorting at such a dumb question. He knows my siblings wouldn't even give me the time of day, nor would I ever purposely reach out to such snakes. He simply chuckled, as if this man really forgot. "You're right, foolish question for my foolish son," and there's jab number two.

" Did you get that piece of paper yet? The shareholders are giving me a headache with their concerns. If only you were like your brother and finished school while everything went down,"

Just to fail classes that he did? To cheat and pay his way through the rest of the exams? On top of all the paperwork he had us going through, the finances for funeral costs, and not even caring for our new emotional burdens. Father of the fucking year. I simply clenched my teeth to refrain from any backlash and shook my head, if it wasn't for this trip that set me back a week, I would've graduated before winter break. Next thing I knew, my jaw was beaming and I was looking at the bookshelf he has with nothing but his degrees and mainly photos of my siblings.

"Goddammit Luke, get that fucking piece of paper already, once you do then you'll come back to the main office for a few months, get yourself reestablished and then move to whatever location you'd like,"

Come back to thr godforsaken building and sit by this man's side for months? There's no way in hell I can do that, what about Toby? I have to see him graduate too, I need him with me, how could I even think about leaving him? Enough is enough.

"Father, what happened to Oliver? Let him take over, I want to experience a life of my own too, not get stu-" and again with a heavy duty smack from Father dearest.

"Experience a life of your own you selfish little ingrate? Do you know how much I had gone through to keep you a healthy child, we spent eight years in a goddamn hospital! You put everyone's life on hold and made us go into poverty! This is the least a shit like you can do for us, who kept a roof over your head and a fucking silver spoon in your mouth," he bellowed. I clenched and unlenched my fists, stuck between pure rage and immense defeat. I'll never be good enough to get the life I want, but if I do it right, perhaps I can delay my death sentence a little longer.

"So this is what the fuck you're got to do, Lucas, you're going to get that fucking piece if paper and you're going to report your ass back here, or so fucking help me," he raised his hand once again.

"Understood," I mumbled.

"Good, now get the fuck out of my sight," he grumbled, making his way back to his throne.

"Donny, get me a fucking drink," he ordered over the intercom as I slipped out of the doors. Donny gave me a small sad wave as I passed and went back to the elevator. What am I going to do?

I didn't realize how deep in my head I was trying to brainstorm and plot more time back with Toby,  that I had already boarded my plane to return to him. I am still shaking from that entire conversation that happened hours before. Why do I have to be such a screw up? It's every time things start going right, that everything takes a turn for the worst. Am I not supposed to be happy in this life?

I fell asleep, with that same question repeating over and over again. Just to have a minor nightmare of the consequences to all my actions leaving me completely, and utterly alone. Once the plane landed, I grabbed my car from the lot at immediately set off to see Toby. Once I got to his door, all I did was knock twice before the door swung open and there he was, my beautiful baby boy. Instantly I grabbed both sides of his face and kissed him deeply, I know I took him by surprise, but I couldn't hold back.

"I can't believe you're here!" He grinned as we pulled away from each other, just for him to fly back into my arms. I held him tightly and nuzzle my face into his neck breathing in his scent of fir trees and aftershave. We shared a few more kisses by the door before we went into the living room, where we sat back and continued his Die Hard marathon. I could barely focus on the screen, Toby had the majority of my attention, in case everything fails, I wanna remember every little detail about him. I had to, cause what's most precious to me, I'm not allowed to keep, but I'll fight till I lose and if I've lost, I will work hard to regain what I've lost.

Let's hope I can do something right for once.

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