"Do you have a hat?" He asked me as I stripped down to my boxers.

"Only to flatten this beauty? I don't think so," I sassed. He rolled his eyes and left my room causing me to pout and sit down on my bed. A couple of minutes passed and he came back in with baseball pants and of course, a hat. I gave him a cheeky smile silently thanking Jesus, he didn't leave me.

"Hurry up bad boy, I don't want to be late," he said handing the clothes to me. I nodded and pulled on the pants to see they fit me perfectly. I smirked and turned my back to him before looking back.

"Do these pants make my ass look big?" I asked biting my lip and batting my eyes innocently. He simply stared, shifting slightly before looking away from me. Score one for me, I cheered inwardly before going to my dresser and pulling out a  shirt. Arms snaked around my waist and pulled me close to his body causing me to gasp.

He ran his hands along my waist before lowering to my hips causing my breath to hitch.

"Actually. Your ass looks marvelous in those pants," he whispered into my ear before slapping my ass. Fuck. I may or may not have moaned causing him to laugh.

"Well, I'll keep that in mind," I blushed profusely and slipped on the shirt. Why did he have to do that to me? I can't even look at him! I'm that embarrassed, and to make it worse he's laughing at me.

"Let's just. Let's just go," I mumbled before walking towards my door. He sighed before grabbing my waist, and turning me around, allowing my body to mold with his.

"Look at me Toby," he nearly demanded, though his tone was soft like his sweater, which I intend to keep. I didn't listen, this caused him to grab ahold of my chin and pull it up till I met his soft gaze.

"What's the matter?" He asked gently. Dammit, how am I supposed to be embarrassed or annoyed by him when he does this?

"It's nothing. I'm ju- a little embarrassed," I mumbled looking away from his eyes, but I could still see the grin form on his face.

"You're going to make me embarrassed, if you keep fidgeting right now," he whispered, I furrowed my eyebrows and gasped realizing what he meant. Sorry, not sorry, so what do I do about it? Smirk, look him directly in the eye, and place my hand over his crotch causing his breath to hitch.

"T-Toby, I can't. We're going to be late," he groaned. Aha! Caught him in a moment of weakness!

"Baby, let me fix it. They'll understand," I spoke in my most seductive tone, pressing kisses to his jaw.

"Toby. No, let's go," he firmly stood, catching his erratic breath.

I just blushed before nodding and walking out of my room, grabbing my keys along the way.

The car ride to the ball park was quick, mainly because he drove like a race car driver. Usually from my house it's a 40 minute drive, but it took us 20 minutes.

"How did you not get pulled over? Will you teach me your driving ways?" I questioned as we got out of the car and went to the back to grab the stuff.

He chuckled and shook his head "One day Toby, one day," this only made me grin as wide as Cheshire. We took out our gloves, and bats before he placed the hat on my head.

I pouted "Asshole,"

"You'd like me to be in yours," he retorted. Let's just say, my steps have come to a halt, my face once again turned red, and my jaw dropped to the floor.

"Close your mouth Toby, don't want to choke on something now do we?" He quickly winked.

This fucking guy! What happened to shyness?! I like this, he's actually pretty funny. I closed my mouth and ran up to him only to see a field full of guys; fucking hot ones to be exact. One of them saw us and grinned widely before running over.

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