"Apri, so che ci sei!" Matteo yelled from the other side of the apartment door. Ariana stood up from his lap and grabbed a Robe while Reid groaned in annoyance.

(Open up, I know you're in there)

"For fucks sake," The Maxwell muttered before he opened the door, and allowed the upset Matteo inside. The short man was wearing a black suit like he always did, Reid was convinced he only had one suit.

"Finalmente! Sai che ore sono? Il tuo aereo è tra un'ora,"

(Finally, do you know what time it is? Your plane is in an hour)

"Spare me the argument, Matteo. I told you on the phone, last night. We won't be late," He said, walking into the dark kitchen, pulling out a glass from the black cabinets. "I've put a lot on the line for this expansion, Reid. Questo deve accadere,"

(This must happen)

"E lo farà,"

(And it will)

"You have nothing to worry about. Have I ever let you down?" He asked, and the short man shook his head slowly. "Exactly, I'll see you at the plane in an hour. Go eat breakfast, keep your mind off me," Reid winked, earning a strain of curses from Matteo who walked out of the apartment.

The man walked back to his bedroom, where Ariana was having a shower. He disregarded his clothes and soon entered the glass shower, slowly kissing her wet shoulders. "That man gives me a headache,"

"I know, but he's excellent at his job," He pressed himself against her ass, wrapping his arms around her small waist. "I don't want to talk about him anymore, we don't have all the time in the world. Reid, I need you again,"

"Sei così bisognoso?" He asked, before smashing his lips on hers. (Are you that needy?)

And for the second time that morning, he entered her.

"Famous Painter Reid Maxwell has sold to dozens of American clients in the last month alone

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"Famous Painter Reid Maxwell has sold to dozens of American clients in the last month alone. Known for his incredible artwork in Italy, he is finally expanding his brand in the Western Hemisphere," The woman on the small television exclaimed, a small smile resting on his lips.

"Little do they know my brand started here," He said, while his assistant, Charlotte adjusted his tie and looked at him through the mirror. "She was never going to know that. I've got a question for you. Are you actually Italian?"

"My mother was Italian and my father was from Pakistan," He said but she gave him a look.

"Are you saying I'm a liar?" He asked, his eyes narrowing playfully. She chuckled, sitting on one of the chairs in his private jet. "Not at all, old man,"

"Old man?"

"You're pushing 30. It's only a matter of time before you collapse from old age,"

"You're two years younger than me, Charlotte—,"

Suddenly, they heard the voice of the captain on the jet's loudspeaker. "This is Captain Esposito, we will be grounded in 5 minutes,"

When they landed shortly after, Reid adjusted his cuff links while walking down the private jet stairs. He was met with three expensive black cars, and security scattered around. They opened the cargo of the jet and pulled out the suitcases and the paintings.

"Mr. Maxwell," A woman smiled, while she held her hands behind her back professionally. "We've been expecting you,"

One of the security men opened the door to the middle car, and he sat inside, his assistant behind him. The woman uttered something into her walkie-talkie before sitting in the passenger seat.

"I am Raquel and I will be your personal Butler, Mr. Maxwell assigned by Mayor Kenneth Samuels. Here is my number, anything you need, please feel free to call me," She said, handing him a piece of paper.

Charlotte smirked, lifting her eyebrows teasingly at Reid before mumbling, "She tryna fuck."

He rolled his eyes and shook his head but she noticed he had placed the paper in his suit jacket. When they arrived at The Kenneth Samuels Art Gallery, the three cars parked in the front. Kenneth Samuels was the Mayor of New York and was interested in doing business with Reid. The man wanted to have some of Reid's paintings in his Art Gallery because people loved his artwork globally.

Reid ran his hand through his black hair, as he made his way into the art gallery— Charlotte, Raquel, and the security behind him.

"Mr. Maxwell, It is a pleasure!" The Mayor assured a genuine smile on his face. Reid held his hand out, and the two men shook hands. "The pleasure is all mine,"

"I hope the flight wasn't too long," He said, wrapping his arm around The Maxwell before he gestured for one of the workers over who held a platter full of complimentary mimosas.

"My pilots are so experienced, I forgot I was even on my jet," Reid said, earning a chuckle from him.

"Was there any trouble on the road?" Kenneth asked, his eyes trained on Raquel who only shook her head.

"No Sir, pickup was rather smooth,"

"Ah Perfect. Complimentary drinks?" The Mayor asked, his eyes flickering to all the people in the room. Charlotte looked at her boss, her eyebrows furrowed together. Finally, Reid nodded his head, subtly. She smiled and grabbed a mimosa, soon closing her eyes in satisfaction from the taste.

"I know this was on short notice but my wife is in love with your artwork even though she never admits it. Our manor is practically full of your paintings. I can't wait to see the look on her face when she sees your unreleased works at the Opening Gala tomorrow. She'll want to buy them right there," They shared a few chuckles.

"I'm incredibly happy I can do this, Mayor. I'm honored to assist you and your wife," Reid said, placing his hands in the pockets of his suit.

"Now, how about I show you my work, and then, we discuss pricing?" He asked, earning a small smile from Mayor Samuels. Together, they began walking up the glass stairs, the security holding the covered paintings in their hands while following them.

"Oh, and Mr. Maxwell—," Kenneth said, his lips stretching into a smirk before he pointed to the view behind them.

"Welcome to New York,"

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