Chapter I

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Mari of Lorainne

Midnight struck and so, Mari rushed around her room, hurryingly putting her clothes, money, perfume and jewelry that she could sell into her suitcase.

She loved the perfume and jewelry she received from her parents because that was the only thing that they gave her. Not love, not attention, but simply objects.

She didn't care though. The one thing her parents taught her was to be a thinker, not a feeler. Whether she loved those jewels mattered not.

I have to hurry, if they find out that I am trying to run away, I don't know what they'd do.

She didn't want to find out. Since she was born, her life was planned by her parents. She was supposedly supposed to marry a duke's son from the French noble lineage. Was his name Frank? She thought. She didn't bother to remember his name.

~A few days prior~

"Mother, who is this?"

With an expressionless face, she says. But on the inside, her blood is boiling-her insides churning. It was this time that girls her age would marry.

Mari grits her teeth.
She didn't want to marry him.

"This is François, he is the son of the Duke of Beaufort. Make sure you greet him nicely."

She smiles, but the tone of her voice says otherwise.

"Why does she have to marry him? Can't she just stay with us?"

Louis burrows his eyebrows, there's a slight pain in his eyes. The discomfort is visible in his tone. It gave Mari hope that he still cared for her.

"Why? Am I not suitable for you?"

François, the light brown haired man says. The problem wasn't the fact that he was ugly, nor was he poor. In fact he was handsome, along with the fact that he was one of the richest french nobles, parring our family.

There's another reason.

François quietly walks towards Mari. He smiles then parts her hair from her ears, whispering.

"I know you don't love me. I don't either. Let's make a deal. I'll marry you, but you're free to have an affair while we're in this marriage. I love someone already, but sadly, we cannot get married. So let's just make a unanimous decision, shall we?"

His face goes dark with a smirk along with Mari shaking in discomfort.

"What are you talking about?"

In an annoyed tone, Louis demands.

François steps away from Mari's face and smiles once again.

"How about it, fiancée?"


Reina of Devonshire

Humming to herself, Reina walks down the streets of Devon by herself. She forces a smile on her face while her jade eyes looked sad. The lights of the small town shone bright in the night, showing all the crooks and crannies of Devon.

What made it more lively is the fact that Christmas is heading near, red and green decorations along with ornaments and reefs were being put up.

Suddenly, Reina stops on her tracks and notices a pair of siblings having the time of their lives. Their smiles lit brighter than the cities lights and made Reina grow envious.

I wish I was here with my brothers.

She continues to stroll around the city and notices a familiar looking shop. It isn't just a familiar shop she remarks, it was her favourite dessert shop that her and her brothers' went to all the time.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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