Chapter 5- MRI

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~Michael's POV~

       Looking into the window of the hospital room I see Avery sitting there, nothing moving except for her chest rising as she breathes, not doing anything except for staring at the blank wall. I want to be able to help her, to be able to just hold her, and tell her that everything is going to work out to be just fine.

        There's not even a slight chance of any of that now that shes refused all visitors. Even her adopted parents, and her brothers. No one has talked to her, besides the doctors, since I went in there and told her about Abby, and Olivia.

        What am I going to do? How am I supposed to be here for her when she won't even talk, or look at me. My mom says it's going to take time, but I need her now. She won't talk to me, and the only thing she ever says to the doctors is "Where's Kelsey?" They won't tell her anything about her until she eats something.

        She's been here for almost a week and all shes done is drink water. You can already see how much weight she's lost. It's starting to look like she's a skeleton. Her rib cage is starting to protrude.
 Her face is becoming more ghost like, she looks like a child then an adult.

        I hear coughing and I look up, It's Avery. She's had a cough for a few months now, which I had to tell the doctors, I had to tell them everything about her medical history.

        Does she have a cold? No

        Does she have a cough? Yes

        Does she have asthma? No, but she's been having trouble breathing lately

        Does she have any pains anywhere? She complains about her neck a lot

        Does she take any medication that's not prescribed to her? No

        They asked so many more questions, about if her family had any disease's, or disorders. well her real dad had died of thyroid cancer, and her mom had a history of Bipolar, and Manic Depression. Overall her family has a lot of problems.


~Avery's POV~

        What do I do. I don't wanna go anywhere. They want me to eat, they want me to move around. How am I supposed to act like a normal person. How in the hell am I supposed to be normal and go about my day when, two of my best friends are dead, and they won't tell me what happened to My other friend Kelsey. 

        The doctors keep telling me to try to move and do things a little at a time, to just get up and do my normal routine, to just go and live my life. That's what they would want. How do they know what they would want when they only know the faces of their dead bodies.

        "Jesus Avery your like a twig. Eat a cheeseburger or something your grossing me and Olivia out here."

        "Oh gosh I mean Abby look at her arms their like the size of my pointer fingers."

        Looking at the faces of the words that were just spoken. 

        "The-e doct-o-r-s tol-d-d me you guy-s we-r-e de-e-a-d"

        "Oh silly we are! And if you don't eat something or shower your gonna join us soon, I mean not to be mean but you smell bad."

        "Yeah Avery you really have to get in the shower, and eat some food or soon your gonna be diagnosed with an Eating Disorder and have to stay in here longer."

        "How-w are yo-u guys ev-en he-r-e?"

        "Abby I think she hit her head harder then what the doctors think."

        "Olivia I think your right, her face right now looks like she's a scared little puppy. Okay Olivia I think we should leave her be now, I mean she was our best friend just a while ago."

        "Your right Abbs lets go and let this skinny bitch get her beauty sleep."


1 hour later


        *bang* *bang* *bang* My head is burning from the inside. *bang* It feels as if someone has just tried to rip my head open, and stopped half way though. *bang* Maybe if I don't do anything but sit here and bang my head against this damn wall until I die, or until my head cracks open for good.

        They come in with restraints to make me stop hurting myself, to make myself stop banging my head against the wall, which make my head start bruising then bleeding.


The Next Day


       "My name is Mia and I'll be your nurse for the rest of your stay here, okay?"

        I nod.

        "Do you wanna talk about it? I mean I'm just a trainee nurse, so I'm not an official nurse yet. Only because I'm not done with my studies. Which is totally lame. I mean who need all that schooling anyways? I'm sorry I shouldn't be complaining to you about my life. I just feel so I'm not sure open with you."

        "It's okay, I like you."

        "That's good, now even though I'm not supposed to, here's my number for if you ever wanna hangout and go party or whatever."

        Smiling at me, she hands me a slip of paper. Looking at her I can tell she's about my age, maybe a year or two older. I can tell I'd be good friends with her straight away if I met her somewhere else.

         "Now Avery do you understand what the MRI is for?"

        I nod.

        "Okay Avery I'm going to bring in your doctor now, okay?"

        I nod again.

        As the nurse leaves I look around the blank room they brought me into over night. It has nothing but the usual 'Thanks so and so for helping me get better' cards. Great.

        As I finish looking around I hear the door open again, it's probably my doctor to come prep me for my MRI. 

        "Hello Avery, I'm  Dmitri. I'll be the one looking at your MRI photos today."  Looking up at him I see a younger guy, around younger 30. At that part where he looks like a pretty nice looking guy.

        I nod.

        "Alright lets go and get you checked out, follow me through here." motioning to a door on his right. "And we will get you into a clean robe and wheel you on over to the MRI."

        As he starts to walk off, he looks back, "well you coming along or just going to sit around?"

        I nod. Motioning to my hands with my head, lifting my arms up so he could see the chains binding me to my bed.

        "Ahh I see, must've done something to get those on."

        I shrug, not really wanting to start a conversation. 

        "Alright I will be right back with the keys."


The Next Day


~Michael's POV~


        "Calm down Michael."



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2014 ⏰

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