And then there was 1

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'Stop stalling! You need to take this!!'
'But I could always go to the bathroom'
'No stop stalling'
I walked back and forth throughout the kitchen.
"Where are you?" His voice was coming from my room.
'Take it, it'll make you feel better'
'But it could also make you seem different'
'You wanted to kill yourself did you not?'
My hand picked up a pill, it was light green and white with a 20mg on the side. It was called Prozac, an anti-depressant, I didn't see that I needed it but I had more new cuts on my arms and I lied to everybody about it. My scars were darker than normal, probably because I went deeper last time.
'She won't give a fuck about you if you died somehow' these thoughts came out a lot more than normal.
'Jasmine doesn't care! She never will' I lost Jasmine a few days ago, we were supposed to be best friends but we fought because she pushed me away. She dragged a lot of her friends into the drama when all I wanted to do was have my friend there for me. I looked at my arm, the word "ALONE" was carved in.
"Babe!!!" His voice started sounded whinny. I dropped the pill into my mouth and washed it down with water. I started gagging, I hadn't taken one of these pills in what seemed like forever. I hated everything about those pills, the way they felt on my tongue, the bitter taste that pill left. I had to take more water because I wanted to throw up.
"Babe! Have you eaten?" The voice comes closer.
"Um no why?" I turn around, I see my boyfriend, his messy brown hair that went down to his beard. I loved his brown eyes and everything about him. He came out of my room shirtless, there was a beauty mark on his shoulder that I loved.
"Eat" he smiled. His smile made me want to melt.
"Ya sure, we have leftovers" I take out the food. I can feel his body against mine, he was wrapping his arms around me.
"Make sure it stays down." he held my stomach, I nodded. He was the reason I stayed around, right there and then I remembered that he was the reason.

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